Short biography

Sebastiano Vitali is Associate Professor at University of Bergamo. Previously, he was Assistant Professor with tenure track at Charles University and Adjunct Professor at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

He got a Ph.D. in Economics, Applied Mathematics and Operations Research in 2015 at University of Bergamo (supervisor: Prof. Vittorio Moriggia, University of Bergamo; external supervisor: Prof. Jitka Dupacova, Charles University). Previously, he got a post-Master degree in Private Banking at University Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in cooperation with Il Sole 24 Ore Business School

Here the extended Curriculum Vitae.

Research and selected publications

The research of Sebastiano Vitali covers the areas of Asset and Liability Management, Insurance and Pension Funds, Derivatives, Stochastic Optimization and its applications in Finance and Energy.

Selected publications:

Here more information about research projects and publictions.

Teaching activity

Sebastiano Vitali taught quantitative finance, portfolio theory, risk management, economics and computer science.

Here more info about current and past teaching activity.