
How to register for the ILLA Focus conference in Bergamo:

Please notice the conference fee is 120 euros for all participants (attending the conference in Bergamo or virtually).

!!! If beyond the electronic receipt you also need an invoice, please notice that 2 euros have to be paid for administrative costs. In that case the total amount to be paid is 122 euros. Please contact us via email if you also need an invoice beyond the electronic receipt.

Further info about the conference can be found at:

Once you have made the payment, please also send an email to

To make payments to the University of Bergamo, please click on the link:

Select the English version at the top of the page, and start the Voluntary Payment option.

Complete the fields that are displayed on the screen (if you don’t have an Italian Fiscal Code, please select Anonymous)

When choosing the Payment Reason, select “ILLA-BG” /Conference Registration and as Reason provide the name of the Conference

In order to pay with credit cards, click on Start online payment

For the payment receipt, select Download receipt.

If beyond the electronic receipt you also need an invoice, please notice that 2 euros have to be paid for administrative costs. In that case the total amount to be paid is 122 euros. Please contact us via email if you also need an invoice.