Eco not ego

Erasmus+ 2022-2024



The main goal is to prepare our students to become true factors of change in terms of leading their lives. To be able to realize this, we need to introduce quality knowledge in our schools necessary to face climate problems and highlight on the relationship between our lifestyle and its consequences in the long term.

The aim of the project is to develop students', schools', and a partnership portfolio, named the Ecological Handprint. 

It builds on the concept of the carbon footprint, however, it will focus on the understanding how individuals and communities can expand their ability to undertake actions that positively impact our planet. It is a symbol and a measurement of our commitment to positive actions that benefit the world in the present and the future. In this way, our aims are in close relationship with the other horizontal priority: civic engagement and participation, it is a pledge to take positive action and a way to connect the individuals with their communities, show them their commitment to a sustainable future and encourage them to take action together.

Participating Schools

Creascola Budaörs


Creascola is a National Curriculum based secondary school using project-teaching, students initiative and involvement, experiential learning, and is focusing on progress in the following areas:

Our educational programs: a general eight-grade grammar school program with the following specifications:

UAX UngAalborg


Our main purpose is to prepare students for high school or vocational training if they are in need of an extra year of training and development after finishing primary school. 

The students choose from four lines, each with its own distinct identity. These lines prepare students for either vocational training or high school. Activities are planned with the aim of improving all students' skills in the subjects of English, Danish, and Maths. Additionally, students have subjects according to their choice and the line they have chosen. Furthermore, there are numerous activities aimed at enhancing students' knowledge of various types of further education and potential future career paths.

Werkschulheim Felbertal


The Werkschulheim Felbertal is a private boarding school under public law which combines high school education, the Austrian Matura with an apprenticeship diploma in carpentry, mechanical engineering, or mechatronics. 

Founded by an Austrian scouts group in the 1960s our educational goals are based upon the collective vision of togetherness and sustainability in combination with craftmanship and practical work. We currently have 380 students, 200 of them are living on campus and 180 students commute daily.