What is Kinesiology?

Also known as Exercise Science and Exercise and Sport Science

To understand Kinesiology, let's think of the tree image seen above. We know that the tree's anatomy includes roots, the trunk, and lots of branches both large and small. And of course the main part of the tree is the trunk and all of the branches are formed from that main part.

In Kinesiology, the "trunk" is movement or more specifically human movement. That is, everything about kinesiology relates to human movement. And all of the ways in which human movement can be studied has grown and changed a lot...the more we learn, the more there is to learn. This is where the "branches" come in. Human movement can be studied from a LOT of different perspectives. These are just a few:

  • how does movement occur in the body?

  • what are the processes involved in movement?

  • what motivates people to move (be active)?

  • how do we prevent injury associated with movement?

  • how do we prepare the body to return to movement after injury?

  • how do we ensure a person is able to maintain healthy movement over their lifetime?

Each of these questions are all branches of kinesiology along with many others! In the pages that follow, you will learn more about these branches and even better, career choices that you might find interesting! Because there are soooo many options, they will be presented in categories or groups. Let's explore!