Unreal Engine Training

for UNCG Faculty, Staff, and Students

April 14 & 15 

9am - 3pm

Epic Games’ Unreal Engine isn’t just for gamers — it’s for anyone who wants to explore and create real-time 3D environments, and it’s a perfect fit for UNCG. There is no other University in the country better positioned to teach and train those who will create tomorrow: the educators, computer scientists, digital storytellers, composers, animators, and community and health care professionals and advocates. Join us and help build the future.  


Epic Games is hosting a two-day, hands-on training event to help UNCG faculty and select students get real-world experience with Unreal Engine 5. This training is intended for all skill levels but will move quickly and cover a lot of ground. 

We look forward to spending time with y’all and we’re excited to show you how the advancements in Unreal  make it more accessible and easier to learn, allowing your students to focus less on the technology and more on learning and exploring the subject at hand.  

Friday, April 14

Attendees will explore the fundamentals of Unreal, from navigating the viewport to creating new projects to importing content and building worlds. They will then begin to explore worldbuilding with Nanite, cinematography with Sequencer, and lighting and rendering in Unreal Engine with Lumen and PBR Materials. 

Saturday, April 15

Attendees will start to explore creating interactive experiences with Unreal Engine. Using the Chaos physics and destruction system and the Blueprints visual scripting language, you will create a fun, physics-based game demo that can be the jumping off point for VFX, Audio, UX, Design, Programming, and much more.

Training will be led by Tom Shannon, Technical Program Manager at Epic Games on the Education team where he focuses on helping schools achieve success with Unreal Engine. Tom oversees the development of content and resources for students, educators and individuals learning and teaching Unreal Engine. Tom is the author of the Pearson textbook, “Unreal Engine for Design Visualization”, and has acted as Technical Director at Imerza, Lead Technical Artist at 3D Realms on Bombshell and Rad Rogers, and Lead of Interactive Visualization at WSP where Tom developed interactive visualizations of massive civil engineering projects such as the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge and the One World Center remediation and revitalization. Tom has been developing games, simulations and visualizations for 20 years, specializing in Unreal Engine for over a decade. 

Location: UNCG Esports Arena and Learning Lab 

Moran Commons, Room 109

A light breakfast and lunch in Fountain View dining hall will be provided both days. 

 Space is limited - Sign Up Below!

 Contact esports@uncg.edu with any questions.