Mission and Vision

Mission: As the Mekonda na Mahamba Earth-Keepers Community, we endeavor to work with nature in reciprocal relationship to increase the protection of biodiversity through projects that sustain, care for,  and regenerate 1,000 acres of farmland community. The mission extends to the entire community, that includes the human and more than humans, such as the local community of bonobos who are nesting there. 


To protect nature rights, and purposively find ways to live in harmony with and enhance biodiverse ecosystems. As the Mekonda na Mahamba Earth-Keepers Community,  we aim to be "keepers" of the land, not be "takers" that destroy and take things for their benefits, with no regard for others. We do not see the earth as our resources, rather as our home, where we aim to live in harmonious kinship with our more than human relatives (e.g., the forest, the river, the bonobos), who have rights that we must promote, preserve, and protect. 

Our Work:

Overall Enhancement of biodiversity and forest: 

We endeavor to achieve our mission and aims through many projects that enhance the overall biodiversity and balance within the forest ecosystem. This includes work to protect habitats and trees, regenerate the forest,  sustainable, agro-forestry products, livestock (goats, chickens, ducks), traditional medicines, care for natural springs, rivers, and waterways. 

Some current projects include: 

Fish Pond: building native fish pond (approximately 80m *200m)

Sustainable River & TransportationCare for and protect the river and community by establishing safe transportation for small scale, sustainable (e.g., renewable energy/bio-fuel),  motorized boat for locals in need of transportation, as well as inviting tourists with small scale eco-tourism (200 km from capital),  to village on Congo river (19 km to Earth farm). 

Fruit Tree Orchard:   orchard with native fruit trees, cacao

Fiscal Responsibility: We are in the application process to be approves as a program under the auspices of the non-profit Worldwide Endeavors, a 501(c)3 located in the USA. We conduct all business with transparency and accountability. We pay our workers fair wages and create initiatives that serve to bring safety and livelihood to the people and entire ecosystem in the local communities, while also caring for the environment.