

Dr. Meera Sridhar

Dr. Meera Sridhar is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Software and Information Systems at UNC Charlotte. Her research interests span language-based and systems security, formal methods, and their application to web, mobile and Internet-of-Things security. Her research is currently supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) . Dr. Sridhar is a member of ACM, ACM-W and WiCyS.

Dr. Weichao Wang

The research interests of Dr. Weichao Wang are in designing protocols and mechanisms to secure pervasive systems, wireless networks, cloud computing environments, and critical infrastructures. The investigation focuses on integrating multi-disciplinary schemes with network techniques to prevent and detect various attacks and to enforce security and privacy in such environments. He is also very interested in security education for both students and working professionals. His research is supported by NSF, the Department of Labor, Duke Energy, and UNC Charlotte.

PhD Students

Abhinav Mohanty

Abhinav Mohanty is a fourth year Ph.D. student working with Dr. Sridhar. His dissertation research focuses on leveraging language-based techniques to design robust defenses for hybrid apps and IoT companion apps. He also works on education innovation techniques for cybersecurity courses.

Islam Obaidat

Islam Obaidat is a Ph.D. candidate in the computer science department at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC). His research interests include software security in IoT devices and how to defend against memory corruption vulnerabilities in these devices.

Post Graduate Students

Parag Mhatre

Parag Mhatre is a second year student at UNC Charlotte pursuing MS, Cyber Security. His interests include Network Security, Penetration Testing and Reverse Engineering. He is also working on a Independent Study under Dr. Meera Sridhar in the domain of IoT Security. Currently, he is developing a course “Mobile IoT Firmware Security” supposed to be launched in Spring 2020.

Sagar Shah

Sagar Shah has a bachelor’s in Computer Science, and he is currently pursuing a master’s in cybersecurity. He is an independent study student working with Dr. Sridhar on IoT Firmware Security and Hybrid Mobile App security. His interests include Malware Analysis and Machine Learning based Security Analytics.

Brian Bahtiarian

Brian Bahtiarian received his bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Delaware and is pursuing his Master’s degree in Cyber Security here at UNC Charlotte. He is an Independent Study student working on exploiting buffer overflow vulnerabilities in IoT devices.

Surabhi Gurav

As a Graduate student of MS.IT at UNCC, and having worked on an IoT project as a part of my Bachelor’s degree in IT, I want to explore the security side of IoT and the vulnerabilities that need to be tackled. Apart from my fascination towards technology I also take an interest in recreational activities such as dance and intramural sports.

Undergraduate Students

Tanvi Patil

Tanvi Patil is a third year computer science student with a concentration in cybersecurity. She is currently working under Dr. Sridhar on a project about preventing cyberattacks using natural language processing (NLP).

Yaw Frempong

Yaw Frempong is an undergraduate student at UNCC studying Computer Engineering and Computer Science. He has an interest in software development for mobile and IoT devices.

Alex Poloniewicz

Alex Poloniewicz is an undergraduate student working with Dr. Sridhar. His current research focuses on understanding IoT firmware architecture vulnerabilities and reverse engineering.