K12 Teaching Tools

This page provides STARS-tested materials that have been demonstrated to be effective in the k12 environment.

K12 TEACHERS: Apply to be a BPC Research Scholar - and engage in action research in your classroom. 

See the BPC Scholars section. 

Computer Scientists of the Day - Pioneers

This lesson was designed for middle school students, and can be used in high schools too. It showcases historical figures in computing who are representative of diversity in the field. Empirical study demonstrated that using this lesson in a class promoted a sense of belonging among students.

Computer Scientists of the Day - Pioneers.pptx
Computer Scientists of the Day - Hidden Figures.pptx

 Computer Scientists of the Day - Hidden Figures

This lesson was designed for middle school students, and can be used in high schools too. It showcases historical figures in computing who are representative of diversity in the field. Empirical study demonstrated that using this lesson in a class promoted a sense of belonging among students.

 Introduction to Python

A lesson for getting started with coding in Python.

Category: Computer Science 

Grade Level: High School

Introduction to Python
Computational Thinking Activity 7th Grade Language Arts lesson plan.docx

Computational Thinking and Language Arts

Teach students how to create algorithms with PB&J in a hands-on teamwork activity. 

Category: Language Arts 

Grade Level: 7th

 Typing the Code and Making it Happen

Students will learn computational thinking and problem-solving strategies related to coding using catapult design.

Category: Computer Science

Grade Level: 6 - 8

UNCCStarLesson 2 Plan.docx

Scratch: Fraction Fun

Learn fractions in an applied and fun way, using Scratch.

Category: Math

Source: Scratch

 Vocabulary Activity - Python Sytax

This is an online vocabulary building activity that also familiarizes students with Python syntax using code provided created repl.it. Students are given starter code to debug of syntax errors before using the code to define vocabulary words. The words are computer science related.

 Flowchart Activity

This is an exercise on creating flowcharts  using a play/film and its text/novel to represent the progression of choices/actions  of the two, displaying how they deviate from each other.

 Python List and String Concatenation

This activity introduces Python lists and string concatenation to develop madlibs using premade code in repl.it. This is meant to help students analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone.

 Space Adventure - Functions, loops, and conditionals

Working with conditionals, functions, and loops,  students create an interactive text adventure where an obstacle and question are proposed and the user must provide an answer. The theme of this activity is space exploration.

STARS BPC Scholars Program © 2023 by  Audrey Rorrer is licensed under CC BY 4.0 

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grants CNS 0540523, CNS-0739216, CNS-1042468, CNS-1840538, CNS-2023391, and CNS-2137338. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.