Computing & US: About

Our Mission

The Computing and US community gives voices to those historically marginalized in the field of computing. We address social, environmental, and psychological issues that lead to threats to belonging in the computing and computing research. We are equipped to help students pursue computing research that increases the pursuit of computing research by black students. We also facilitate increasing the number of students, interested in, and equipped to pursue computing research.

Dale-Marie Wilson, Ph.D.

University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Program Director of CSR & US 

     Gloria Washington, Ph.D.

Howard University, Director of the Affective Biometrics Lab

Felesia Stukes, Ph.D.

Johnson C. Smith University, Director of the Social Computing Lab 

Jody Marshall, Ph.D.

University of North Carolina at Charlotte, CCI Director of Graduate Studies, Co-Chair CCI Equity and Inclusion Committee

Malon Mejias, Ph.D

University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Co-Chair CCI Equity and Inclusion Committee