
Expanding Capacity and Diversity in 

Lifelong AI Education

August 9

6:00 Reception (with food and drinks), Introductions, Opening

August 10

8:30  Breakfast, Why are we doing this?

9:00  Speakers: Eric Eaton (Penn State): ACM/IEEE/AAAI AI Curriculum and Pat Yongpradit ( Needs of K-12 learners

10:00 - 12:00 Session 1: AI Curricula: What are the components of AI education?

Discussion topics: What are the topics/knowledge/skills areas in AI education at different levels (K-12, community colleges, undergraduate and graduate CS major, undergraduate non-CS major, adult workforce, public)? 

12:00 - 1:00 Working Lunch

1:00 Invited Speaker: Jodi Reeves (National University) on education for the adult working population

2:00 - 4:00 Session 2: Quality and Inclusion in AI education

Discussion Topics: What guidelines can we provide to ensure quality and inclusion in AI education at different levels (K-12, community colleges, undergraduate and graduate CS major, undergraduate non-CS major, adult workforce, public)?

4:00 - 5:00 Review and plan for next day

6:00 dinner at Dandelion Market

August 11

8:30 am Breakfast

9:00 Invited Speaker: Bo Yuan (Rochester Institute of Technology): Stories about SFS success in expanding capacity in cybersecurity

10:00  - 12:00 Session 3: Expanding Capacity in AI education

Discussion Topics: What are strategies for expanding the capacity of AI in education in the different levels of AI education at different levels (K-12, community colleges, undergraduate and graduate CS major, undergraduate non-CS major, adult workforce, public)?

12:00 -1:00 Working lunch and conclusion

1:00 - 5:00 Report Writing for those who stay