LATAM Health

Champions 2024

Thanks to all the innovators who participated in the call LATAM Health Champions!

We invite you to relive the moment when we met the 20 finalists

Just like our 3 winners

Formulación para revertir cataratas


Selectone & Daio



Kit Smile

The potential of the region is immense, we have more than 60 innovators registered and we can affirm that all proposals are important to leverage improvements in the health sector in Latin America, the work of all of you is only worthy of admiration!


The applications submitted to LATAM HEALTH CHAMPIONS are the exclusive responsibility of the participants, so the organizing institutions will be exempt from any type of responsibility derived and/or associated with any application. The participants will hold the organizing institutions harmless against any claim made by third parties. 

General Legal Conditions 

  • The innovative solutions that can participate must have an application in the health sector and have a clear intellectual property strategy applied.
  • The intellectual property rights associated with the innovative solution must belong to the respective participant.
  • The information provided through the applications can be disclosed/published by the organizing institutions of the Call For Champions without restrictions, through any means of communication, for informational purposes.
  • Applications must not contain any confidential information associated with the innovative solution, nor any information whose disclosure implies the loss of opportunity for Intellectual Property protection.

  • Each candidate will be fully responsible for any intellectual property right associated with their innovative solution.
  • All intellectual property rights of the candidates over their innovative solutions will be respected and recognized in all circumstances.
  • Applications will be considered as formally received only through the provided form. Applications submitted by any other means will not be accepted.
  • The evaluation of applications, the selection of winners, the benefits, the schedule and other conditions of participation will be subject to the conditions that will be published.
  • The only official channel for inquiries will be the email . Only communications made through the official email will be taken into account.