Doctoral Seminar II - 2015-II

Doctorado en Ing. Sistemas y Computación

Depto. Ing. de Sistemas e Industrial

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá



Jenny Marcela Sanchez, PhD


About the assignments




    • Students of Computer Science Doctoral Program will be able to:

      • Refine analytical and critical skills/ abilities by reviewing, synthesizing and critiquing its own projects

      • Communicate clearly and coherently its partial results

      • Write its dissertation

Learning Strategy

  • There will be devoted to mini-lectures on key topics, discussions of the course readings, and in-class exercises dealing with components of the proposal.

  • Several presentations showing the components of the dissertation.

Course Schedule

Seminario de Investigación II Doctorado 2015-II

Grading and Assignments

Seminario de Investigación II Doctorado 2015-II


Jenny Marcela Sánchez-Torres:

Office hours for students: Tuesday 2 pm to 4 pm Ed 453 of 100


Group 1: Mr Agudelo, Mr Arevalo, Mr. Martínez

Group 2: Mr. Moreno, Mss Sánchez, Mr. Sánchez

Group 3: Mr. Niño, Mr. Jorge, Mr. Zarate


BOOTH, G.G. COLOMB. The Craft of Research. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1995.

----, Communicating in Science: Writing and Speaking, 2ed, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1993.

CRESWELL, John W. 2008. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.

DAY, Robert. Cómo escribir y publicar trabajos científicos. Tercera edición. Oryx Press. 2005.

EASTERBROOK, S. (2004). How theses get written: Some cool tips. [PDF Document] Retrieved from]

FRIEDLAND, Writing successful science proposals. Yale University Press, New Haven, 2000

PARADIS J.G. and ZIMMERMAN, The MIT guide to science and engineering communication, 2ed, The MIT Press, Cambridge, 2002.

REMENYI, Dan y MONEY Artur. Research Supervision for supervisors and their students. 2007

SILVIA, P.J. (2007). How to write a lot. Washington D.C. American Psychological Association.