Doctoral Seminar I - 2016-I

Doctorado en Ing. Sistemas y Computación

Depto. Ing. de Sistemas e Industrial

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá


Jenny Marcela Sánchez-Torres, PhD

Full Professor


About the assignments



  • Students of Computer Science Doctoral Program will be able to:

      • design a research proposal that is appropriate for a doctoral dissertation

      • refine analytical and critical skills/ abilities by reviewing, synthesizing and critiquing literature relevant

      • communicate clearly and coherently their research proposal

Learning Strategy

  • There will be devoted to mini-lectures on key topics, discussions of the course readings, and in-class exercises dealing with components of the proposal.

  • Several presentations showing the components of the proposal

Course Schedule

Seminario de Investigación I Doctorado 2016-I

Grading and Assignments

Seminario de Investigación I Doctorado 2016-I


Jenny Marcela Sánchez-Torres:

Office hours for students: Monday: 9am-11am Thursday: 9am-11am Ed 453 of 100


BOOTH, G.G. COLOMB. The Craft of Research. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1995.

----, Communicating in Science: Writing and Speaking, 2ed, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1993.

CASTELLANOS, Horacio y TORRES, Luis C. Investigación en Ingeniería. Publicaciones Facultad de Ingeniería UN.,2003.

CRESWELL, John W. 2009. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.

DAY, Robert. Cómo escribir y publicar trabajos científicos. Tercera edición. Oryx Press. 2005.

FRIEDLAND, Writing successful science proposals. Yale University Press, New Haven, 2000

PARADIS J.G. and ZIMMERMAN, The MIT guide to science and engineering communication, 2ed, The MIT Press, Cambridge, 2002.

REMENYI, Dan y MONEY Artur. Research Supervision for supervisors and their students. 2007