About Me

Slight Biography

My name is Hayden Dixon, I have currently just finished my sixth semester at the Missouri University of Science and Technology pursuing a Masters Degree in Computer Engineering and a Bachelors Degree in Computer Science. I have always enjoyed both the hardware and software sides of computers and technology, so it seemed fitting for me to get a degree in both. On top of enjoyment, I believe it to be an essential task for anyone who would be writing software on any device, to have a slight understanding of how the device works on the hardware side.

Before coming to S&T, I lived with my family in Bentonville Arkansas. While living there, I was heavily involved in many activities in and out of school. I was the Team Captain for 3 years of my club swim team - the North West Arkansas Aquatics - and of my High School Swim Team my Senior Year, the president of my schools Engineering Club my senior year, I was a member of National Honors Society my Junior and Senior Years, a member of PEER HELPERS - a group designated to helping all students feel wanted and known and cared about -, and lead the Bentonville Men's Children Youth group from their 4th-6th grades at Fellowship Bible Church.

Through my engineering related courses in High School, I knew that I wanted to be an engineer. I saw the capability of this job being able to make huge changes in the world, and it is my desire to be one of these people that makes change happen. A statement such as "changing the world" can have many meanings, for some it means global change, others it may just be in their own communities. For me, all I have set my mind to is to make and leave this world in a better state than that of which I found it in.


Missouri University of Science and Technology (Rolla, Missouri)

Expected Attendance Dates: August 2017-December 2021

GPA: 3.89/4.0

Computer Engineering(MS) & Computer Science(BS)

Course History: Data Structures, Algorithms, Databases, Digital Logic, Computer Security, Microcontrollers,

Intro to A.I., Intro Communication Networks, File Structures and Databases, Computer Organization and Design, Intro. to OS, Programming Languages and Translators, Circuits 1 & 2, Electronic Devices, Calc 1, 2, 3, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Intermediate Differential Equations, Physics 1 & 2 ...

Current Enrollment: Intro to Numerical Methods, Software System Development, Analysis of Algorithms, Intro to Data Mining ...

Bentonville High School (Bentonville, Arkansas)

Attendance Dates: August 2013- May 2017

GPA: 4.18 / 4.0

Notable Courses: (PLTW )- Intro. to Engineering and Design, Digital Electronics, Principles of Engineering and Design, Engineering Design and Development


Software Engineer Intern - Garmin

Dates: February 2021 - Present

  • Updated department wide hardware testing application to utilize new data transmission protocol, hold 164 unique instances of axis, processor, and servo data, restructure data manipulation to have modular structure, and re-designed UI for 185% faster startup performance.

  • Development of software in C, C++, and Python for testing, software releases, quality assurance, and maintenance.

  • Develop software to reflect FAA standards and desired requirements by customers and system design teams.

  • Analyzed pre-existing code and implemented updates to get 100% code coverage per conditional statement.

Lead Application Developer - Walker Tek Solutions

Dates: May 2020 - March 2021

· Primary voice in developmental decisions for Vigor's development

· Leading search and hiring for new employees for the Vigor project

· Host weekly meetings with team members to assign new tasks, assess general team motivation and work drive, deliver updates from our bosses and any insight to current branches of development.

· Still heavy exposure to the software development of the project (please see below for these experiences.)

Applications Developer - Walker Tek Solutions

Dates: May 2019 - May 2020

· Heavy use of Django, Python, PostreSQL, Web Development(HTML, CSS, Javascript), Unit/Integration Testing, Aglie software development (Scrum/TDD)

· Currently under an NDA; all that can be discussed is the skills being used above

President/Founder – Goggle Fogging Project

Dates: Aug 2016 - May 2017

· Designed a mechanical solution to fog in swimming Goggles

· Signed a non-disclosure agreement with Speedo

· Managed resources and made supply/material orders

· Organized information and documentation of entire project

· Presented project to several head engineering officials in the Bentonville area

Grader – Missouri University of Science and Technology

Dates: Fall 2018 – Present

· Grading papers and exams for CS 1570 (Intro to C++ programming)

· Constant reviewing of foundational C++ language logic and operations

Head Programmer - Parking Spot Project – Bentonville High School

Dates: Aug 2016 – May 2017

· Developed a program to accommodate parking for 5000 students

Notable Skills

Programming Languages/ Development Experience:

  • Java

  • C++/C/C*

  • Python

  • Assembly

Microsoft Office Certifications:

  • Word

  • Excel

  • PowerPoint

  • Outlook

  • Django

  • PostreSQL

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • JavaScript