10 Reasons to Send Student Work Out Into the World

*according to teachers

1. Students get an “authentic audience.”

2. They learn that their ideas and opinions are interesting and meaningful to others, and can be part of a larger, public conversation.

3. It shows them how the real world works: Rules must be followed, deadlines must be met.

4. It makes them enthusiastic writers and artists who want to revise.

5. It transforms the dynamic in the classroom.

6. It boosts self-esteem and makes them take themselves, their voices, their work and each other more seriously.

7. It shows them they can do something real with what they have learned.

8. It reduces fear of rejection, and makes them more likely to keep trying.

9. It burnishes applications for college, scholarships and jobs.

10. It can change their lives.

*Check out the full NYT article and teacher quotes here