
Teaching should be student centered and teacher should be a facilitator, not a provider (Knowles, 2011). My role as a teacher is to point/steer them to the right direction, uphold educational standard they should adhere and inculcate the appreciation of knowledge - that we acquire knowledge by utilizing related sensor. In this era f modernization we should embrace educational technology advancement not shy away from it as it is inevitable.

(YJ, 2019)

Reflecting since I started teaching, I see myself gradually incorporate different methods which evolving from pedagogical, to andragogical and hopefully to also embrace heutagogy and paragogy. To 'mould' these young beautiful minds equipping them for employment in tourism and hospitality I strongly believe the essential for hands-on exposure and experiential learning.

Courses I taught at undergraduate level in UMS:

  • Introduction to hospitality industry
  • Special Event Operation
  • Entrepreneurship in hospitality industry
  • Strategic Management in hospitality industry
  • Service Management for hospitality Industry
  • Front Office Management
  • Research Methodology
  • Principle of Management
  • Introduction to Information System