Welcome Message

Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera. 

Welcome to the Seminar on Innovative Learning and Teaching 2023! 

We are pleased to host presenters and participants to our seminar organised by the Centre of Academics and Excellence Development, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. 

This seminar (or SILT 2023) is a platform for passionate educators, administrators, and thought leaders to come together and exchange ideas, strategies, and experiences that drive innovation in the field of teaching and learning. It offers an opportunity for us to delve into groundbreaking approaches, emerging technologies, and pedagogical methods that are reshaping the educational landscape. It will not just be a one-time gathering, but a catalyst for long-term change and growth in education. 

We hope that this seminar ignite your passion for innovative learning and teaching, and may it be the beginning of a transformative journey that will benefit lecturers, teachers and students.


Dr. Amer Azlan Abdul Jamal

SILT2023 Chair

Contact Us 

SILT 2023 Secretariate
Centre for Academic and Excellence Development
Level 6, North Block, Chancellory Building
Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Jalan UMS, 88450 Kota Kinabalu

Email: pejppka@ums.edu.my