Xiaofan Lei

"Nothing about us without us."

I am a person who stutters and a PhD Candidate in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. I am a research assistant at the Speech Fluency Lab (PI: Dr. Jayanthi Sasisekaran) and the Mind-Body Trauma Care Lab (PI: Dr. Viann Nguyen-Feng).

My goal is to conduct research on topics that matter to the researched to improve their quality of life. Stuttering is a dynamic disorder that individuals who stutter often report changes in their stuttering severity from situations to situations and from days to days. Much of the disability associated with stuttering results in a mismatch between social expectations and bodily function in the moment. I investigate how adults who stutter navigate the social space with ecological momentary assessment and daily diary. These methods can reveal insights on the daily challenges of stuttering, and how different individuals cope with those challenges.