Episode 32:

Marisa Paizenczewski & College in the Schools

For our first interview of the week, Stephanie spoke with Marisa Paizenczewski, a Spaniard living in the Twin Cities who founded Casa de España en Minnesota. Casa de España was a non-profit that celebrated Spanish and Latin American culture and organized events, concerts, cooking classes, film screenings, and conversational hours for Spanish expats and all those interested in Spanish and Latin American culture. The organization disbanded in March 2017.

Missed last week’s episode and didn’t get to hear from our College in the Schools heritage speakers? ¡No te preocupes! On this episode, we’ll hear some additional interviews with these students, and have the opportunity to hear about their experiences as Latinos and heritage speakers in Minnesota.

Want more information on the events discussed in Episode 32? Follow the links below for more information on this weekend’s events:

Cine Latino 2017: http://mspfilm.org/festivals/cine-latino/

Quarter Gallery: https://cla.umn.edu/art/galleries/quarter-gallery

Squirrel Haus Arts: http://www.squirrelhausarts.com/