Understanding and Supporting
Business Succession 

Virtual Workshop for Community Leaders

Welcome to the virtual workshop exploring how communities can support businesses succession.  

The workshop is designed around three modules and two case studies.  Each module has a worksheet designed to help you apply your learning directly to your community. We estimate that it will take 90-120 minutes to complete all activities in the workshop. You can do it all in one sitting or multiple. 

Activities for completing the workshop: 

Workshop Materials

Module 1

Understanding and Supporting Business Succession 

Watch: Video presentation 

Review: Slides

Complete:: Worksheet 1

Module 2

What Business Owners Need to Know

Watch: Video presentation 

Review: Slides

Complete: Worksheet 2

Module 3

Actions Community Leaders Can Take

Watch: Video presentation

Review: Slides

Complete: Worksheet 3

Community Case Studies 

Center for Business Transition 

Dani Delaini, Business Transition Program Coordinator 

Adirondacks Region, New York

Community Supports for Business Succession

Cathy Enerson, Community Economic Development Associates

Former EDA Director  for Spring Valley, Minnesota

Additional Resources

This course was created by Jennifer Hawkins, John Bennett and Eric King, community economics educators with the University of Minnesota Extension with financial support from the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation and the U.S. Economic Development Administration.