Vegetables for Everyone
Welcome to the Vegetables for Everyone toolkit
This toolkit contains materials to support beginning gardeners in your community. On this site, you'll find easy to understand how-to handouts, presentations on various topics. walk-by-learning signs for educational gardens, and many timely learning opportunities. Take a look around, and use whatever resources will best meet the needs of your local community.
Have anything to add? Email, and share whatever resources you have on the Share page.
Tips for using this toolkit
First consider the audience that you will be working with. From the perspective of a potential participant, what would they want to learn and how best can you share this information? Find resources that meet these needs throughout the toolkit, such as hands-on activities at a booth while tabling or a short presentation that shares the benefits of growing vegetables. Use the Vegetables for Everyone Continuum of Learning to understand how the toolkit components fit together.
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