
U of M Day of Data 2024

U of M Day of Data 2023

U of M Day of Data 2022

Data (science) for all

Data inside/outside the classroom

Algorithmic bias and data ethics

U of M Day of Data 2021

U of M Day of Data 2021 Schedule

Session Recordings

"Data matters": Epidemiology/Health

"Data matters": Climate

"Data matters": Social Justice

Data Visualization Challenge

U of M Day of Data 2020

Day of Data 2020 - Schedule

Streamed Session Recordings

Safer Statistical Significance (Until We Agree on Something Better)  - Ethan Brown & Michael Huberty, College of Education & Human Development

Why are statisticians saying we should stop using the term "statistical significance"? What can we actually do instead?  We will provide hands-on activities to help understand the concept of statistical significance, its history and pros/cons, as well as practical tips on what you can do now to improve your research & statistical practice in the midst of the growing open science movement. 

Thinking Spatially with R  - Travis Ormsby & Brittany Krzyzanowski, U-Spatial

An introduction to spatially aware analytical methods that showcase how you can get into trouble if you aren't thinking spatially. No background in spatial data necessary--all are welcome!

Scraping PDFs with RegEx and R  - Yeng Miller-Chang, Academic Health Center 

Have a data set that is only available in .pdf format? In this session, you will be introduced to the tools necessary to get your .pdf data in a usable format using regular expressions and R. Familarity with basic ideas of automated data analysis (e.g., data frames). Some familiarity with RegEx is helpful to have to get the most out of the presentation, but not necessary.  Software required: R, RStudio, web browser, and some PDF viewer

Introduction to Social Network Analysis with Python - Russell Funk, Carlson School of Management

This session will give an overview of social network analysis using Python. We'll cover a lot of ground in a short period of time, including basic network data structures, measures, and visualization. Along the way, we'll also conduct a network analysis of more than 30 Shakespearian plays, beginning with raw data scraped from the internet and ending with a few insights of potential substantive interest.

U of M Day of Data 2019

U of M Day of Data 2019 - Schedule

Streamed Session Recordings

Data and Ethics in Higher Ed - Colin DeLong

As the use of big data analytics and machine learning has worked its way into numerous higher ed technology platforms, conversations about the ethical use of student information lag behind. In this talk, we will walk through several examples of "big data" issues, possible solutions, and next steps.

Introduction to Programming Languages and Concepts - Michael Berkowski

We will explore several different types of programming languages, where you might encounter them, and why you might choose one over another, followed by a hands-on overview of the fundamental building block concepts common to all programming languages.

Signal Driven Data Curation and Commercialization - Ted Steinmann, Penny Norquist

Leveraging open access data signals, tools and alerts, the Food Protection and Defense Institute collaborates with students at UMN to identify and validate incidents of economically motivated and intentional adulteration incidents. These resources are compiled in database managed by FPDI, presented to users in a search interface and Tableau dashboard, and made commercially available via FPDI's University website.

U of M Day of Data 2018

U of M Day of Data 2018 - Schedule

Streamed Session Recordings

IPUMS Data Exploration - Greg Freedman Ellis, Erin Meyer, Kari Williams

IPUMS provides census and survey data from around the world integrated across time and space. All data are available free of charge. This data jam session will provide a brief overview of why IPUMS data are so great, introduce data enthusiasts to the data we make available, and offer participants the opportunity to analyze some of the various datasets we provide.

Data Storytelling with ArcGIS Story Maps - Melinda Kernik & Kate Carlson

Story Maps make it easy to integrate maps with text, charts, images, and other media in order to tell compelling narratives.  During this data jam session, participants will learn how to make a story map using ArcGIS Online, including techniques for finding/creating map content and tips for designing visually appealing maps.

"Rescuing" Data - Alicia Kubas & Shannon Farrell 

Federal government data is used every day by thousands of individuals for academic research, publishing and news, general consumer information, and so much more. With the US government being the largest producer of data in the world, access to this data is tantamount, but it's disappearing from the web for a variety of reasons. Learn about one way libraries have been trying to tackle this issue through the grassroots DataRefuge initiative and its associated DataRescue events.  Software needed: No software needed, but participants will need access to internet/laptop/etc.