Getting the Books

Book Loans

Already read the book we're reading this month or have a spare copy? Want to know if any other book clubbers have the book that we're reading? Let us know here and we'll do our best to match you up!

Other Free Options

Interlibrary Loans

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) & Digital Delivery offers free access to materials needed for course work and scholarly research that are not currently available within the University of Minnesota Libraries and digital copies of articles and book chapters from the print and microform collections.

Available to students, staff, and faculty of the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus, as well as Extension, Research and Outreach Centers, and Itasca or Hormel Institutes with active borrowing privileges.

It takes an average of 3-10 days for these to arrive for pickup at your chosen UMN Library.


Check out ebooks or audiobooks from your local public library using:

Cheap Options


eBooks are often cheaper than a physical copy, especially when we read especially recent books that are only available in hardcover. Download them from your phone or your ereader device.

Used Booksellers

While these can take a variable amount of time to arrive, they're a good, cheap option for books you want to write in or lend out to friends!

Local Options

While these aren't necessarily likely to have our most contemporary picks or be the cheapest options, you should definitely know about our local books stores! Give 'em a call or a visit to see if they have our books or anything else you might be sucked in by!

Accessible Options

Please contact the DRC at or the University Book Club email at if you have any concerns regarding accessibility. We do our best to make our activities and our content accessible to everyone, and we'd love to hear how we can improve!