The membership of the chapter consists of all of those University of Minnesota faculty and staff who were themselves elected to Phi Beta Kappa (generally as undergraduates, at their own institutions) as well as those graduate and professional students who have been elected to membership either here or elsewhere. At present the most important formal function for members is to elect new student members each year.
Qualifications for Election to Phi Beta Kappa
Requirements include a strong background in the liberal arts and sciences, a second language, and a minimum GPA of 3.65 for seniors or 3.85 for juniors. The chapter membership committee automatically screens undergraduate records to look for these criteria and submits the names of those it identifies to the chapter membership to approve extending an invitation to join the Society. Those students then receive an invitation to join by email. Screenings for qualified students occur annually in March, with students notified about their eligibility for Phi Beta Kappa in April.
If you did not receive an invitation to join Phi Beta Kappa and believe you qualify, you may ask to be considered for up to one year after graduation. If you think you may be eligible, please contact the Chapter Secretary, Meaghan Stein, at
Note: Students whose principal study is in applied or professional work (business, engineering, nursing, and similar fields) are not eligible for Phi Beta Kappa .
There is a one-time fee to join Phi Beta Kappa for life, currently set at $95. The majority of the fee ($85) goes to the national Society, which covers your lifetime subscription to the Society's newsletter, The Key Reporter, sponsored lectureships and scholarships around the country, networking opportunities, and the Visiting Scholars program. The remainder of the fee ($10) goes to the University of Minnesota chapter for local expenses, which includes of the cost of your membership certificate. There are no additional fees or annual dues.
Your name will be listed on the University of Minnesota Scholars Walk website to publicly acknowledge the honor of your membership in the Phi Beta Kappa academic honor society. You will receive a membership certificate, embossed with your name and suitable for framing. You will be entitled to purchase a Phi Beta Kappa key in the form of a gold lapel pin, tie pin or ornament suitable for a necklace with your name and year of election engraved. You will receive a lifetime subscription to The Key Reporter (a quarterly newsletter about society activities) and you will have the opportunity to subscribe to the American Scholar, a highly respected quarterly journal addressing topics of broad interest in current affairs, culture, philosophy, science, and the arts.
Since the Society's founding in 1776, 17 U.S. Presidents, 42 U.S. Supreme Court Justices, and more than 150 Nobel Laureates have been inducted as members, along with countless authors, diplomats, athletes, researchers, actors, and business leaders. As a lifetime member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, this honor sets you apart from the rest and shows your capacity for critical thought, analysis, and good writing - skills that are continually sought after by employers. Your association with Phi Beta Kappa will keep you in touch with an organization that works as an active force for quality in higher education.
Members in more than 50 U.S. cities may join a Phi Beta Kappa alumni association. These groups further learning and shared experience through networking, cultural, and educational events. Many associations are active in their communities, supporting partnerships and partnering with local charitable organizations. Phi Beta Kappa is also active on LinkedIn (a network of over 42,000 members all across the country), Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler, Instagram and YouTube - all great avenues to explore Phi Beta Kappa and connect with members.