Stromnes Lab

In situ immunofluorescent detection of CD8+ T cells (yellow), PD-L1 (purple) and tumor cells (green) in pancreatic cancer. By Ellen Spartz.

The Stromnes laboratory is focused on advancing the understanding of cancer immunology and immunotherapy, with a particular emphasis on properties of the tumor and the tumor microenvironment that influence antigen-specific T lymphocyte migration and function. The laboratory aims to uncover how tumors and their mutations coordinate a suppressive microenvironment and elicit a program of T cell dysfunction. The lab is also focused on understanding the cellular and acellular components of tumor microenvironment that influence immunotherapy response. The laboratory combines studies of human tumors, genetically engineered mouse models that faithfully recapitulate human cancer, and novel cell engineering approaches evaluated in both mouse and human T cells to develop next generation cellular therapies for intractable malignancies, with a major focus on carcinomas including pancreatic cancer. 

Recent Publication

Published in Cell Reports, Mike Patterson identified CD4+ T cells are drivers of anti-tumor macrophage polarization in pancreatic cancer. This publication was possible through the collaboration of the Stromnes lab and Williams lab!

Ebony Miller Scholarship at Howard University 

Ebony, our dear friend and colleague, tragically passed last year before fulfilling her dream of attending Howard University College of Medicine, where she hoped to specialize in women's health. As an international student, Ebony faced serious financial hurdles which delayed her plans to attend medical school. To ease the burden faced by students like Ebony, we have set up a fundraiser to establish a scholarship for international students who wish to attend Howard's Medical School. Please consider donating here.


Center for Immunology

Department of Microbiology & Immunology

University of Minnesota Medical School

News in the Stromnes Lab!

The Stromnes Lab has joined a collaboration between the Masonic Cancer Center and the Mayo Clinic. Through this partnership, the lab will investigate how to improve adoptive T cell therapies with labs across Minnesota. Read more here!
