Where Can I Find Help?

All of the members of our committee are here to help you, whether you are dealing with possible harassment or bullying, a conflict with a co-worker or advisor, difficult inter-personal situations, or are just looking for help finding the correct resources to mitigate stress or conflict. We strive to listen compassionately and without judgment and help you find the solutions that work best for you. You can email any one of us to arrange a time to talk, or find us in our offices.

However, we also want you to know that you have many resources besides the Climate and Diversity Committee. Below we have highlighted a list of University resources that you may wish to access for a range of problems that you may encounter. Please feel free to ask any one of us for more information about them if you are unsure and we will be happy to assist you in finding the right place to go.

Confidential resources

Diversity and discrimination

Physics and Astronomy Student Organizations

University-wide Organizations/Resources

UMN has an institutional membership to the NCFDD that provides free access for students and employees (more information here). Tenure-track faculty interested in the NCFDD’s Faculty Success Program are encouraged to contact the School and the College about institutional financial support for this; see this link for more information.

CSE Organizations

CSE Student Organizations