Food + Community on Minneapolis' Southside

Sabathani Community Center + Heritage Studies and Public History

In the winter of 2019, students in the University of Minnesota's HSPH program teamed up with the Sabathani Community Center in South Central Minneapolis to create a public history project about food and community in the neighborhood. Sabathani runs one of the busiest food shelves in the Twin Cities, serving more than 40,000 people in 2019 alone. In 2013 the Seward Friendship Co-op opened across the street from Sabathani. This project aims to draw attention from co-op shoppers, and others new to the neighborhood, who may not be familiar with this history. Head to our Research page to learn more about the people and places that shaped the neighborhood.

The public health crisis created by COVID-19 and the closure of grocery stores in the area in the aftermath of the Uprising in response to the murder of George Floyd at 38th and Chicago has left Sabathani more in need of support than ever. The Food Shelf remains open to feed those in need Monday through Thursday from 10 am to 2 pm. Click here to read more about their work from the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder. To give to Sabathani directly, please visit their website.

The Neighborhood

The few square blocks around the intersections of 38th Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues South is the historic heart of a thriving African American Community beginning in the 1930s. Today, the neighborhood is one of the most diverse in the city. To learn more about the people and places where community members gathered, shopped, and ate go to our Research page.

The Community Center

Sabathani has been feeding the Southside Community since 1969. Head to the Goods page to get one for yourself!

The Food Shelf

Ask anyone about the Food Shelf at Sabathani and Mrs. Clarissa Walker will likely be the first name they mention. If you have a story you'd like to share about Mrs. Walker, or anyone else in the neighborhood, please be in touch at If you'd like to take advantage of the Food Shelf, learn how to do so here.