RHIG Speaker Event with Dr. Mary Owen

Dr. Owen is a member of the Tlingit nation. Her work includes developing and managing programs to increase the numbers of American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) students entering medical careers, outreach to local and national Native leaders to ensure the University of Minnesota Medical School remains in tune with AIAN health care and education needs, developing an AIAN track for all students interested in providing healthcare to AIAN communities, and developing research efforts to address AIAN health disparities.

The Rural Health Interest Group exists for several reasons:

Photo of a farm road leading to a home.
Photo of a snowy field with power lines.

2. To disseminate opportunities for research, work, community engagement, and media content related to rural health

Photo of a frozen river with rocks and ice.

3. To expand student knowledge about future employment outside of academia in rural areas

We value inclusivity, accessibility, and prioritizing rural health issues in the public health field.

Rural Health Interest Group. Why is rural health important? Individuals living in rural areas experience health disparities, particularly in areas such as heart disease, cancer, and lower respiratory disease. Whether you're working in the field of rural health or new to it, all are welcome at our events!

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