The Rights of Manoomin/Psíŋ

The Project Misson

We aim to spread awareness of and increase engagement in the White Earth Reservation Rights of  Manoomin/Psíŋ/Psin in order to pass the resolution in the Minnesota State legislature. Passing this resolution means:

"recognizing Wild Rice as sacred and central to the culture and health of Indigenous Peoples in Minnesota and critical to the health and identity of all Minnesota citizens and ecosystems; and establishing a commitment to passing Rights of Manoomin/PsíŋPsin legislation to protect wild rice and the freshwater resources upon which it depends"  

(Rights of Manoomin/Psíŋ/Psin Resolution, Number 001-19-009)

  What is Manoomin/Psíŋ?

Manoomin/Psíŋ, otherwise known as the superfood wild rice, is a semi-aquatic grass that is native to the Great Lakes Region and has long been a sacred natural resource for the indigenous tribes of this area

We refer to the plant as both Manoomin, the Anishinaabe name, and Psíŋ, the Dakota name, in order to respect it's history and the people who have relied on and protected it for generations. 

What's Our Plan for This Project?

Step 1: Spreading Awareness

We are spreading awareness about Manoomin/Psíŋ and the resolution through this webpage as well as mass emails that will be sent out by our connections at the University of Minnesota and fliers we will distribute around campus.

Step 2: Showing Support

Once people are aware of the Rights of Manoomin/Psíŋ Resolution, we will encourage them to show their support and committment by sending letters to their representatives and attending Rise and Repair's Lobby & Rally Day at the Capital. 

Step 3: Lobbying at the Capital 

We attended Rise and Repair's Lobby & Rally Day 2024 at the Minnesota State Capital which included "lobby visit training in the morning, visits with legislators scheduled throughout the day, a group photo on the front steps and a rally in the rotunda to advance the movement around Indigenous rights & climate justice". 

Step 4: Passing the Resolution

With enough advocacy and support shown by the community, the Rights of Manoomin/Psíŋ Resolution will be passed in the Minnesota State Legislature. 

Manoomin/Psíŋ is counting on you!

How You Can Take Action:


Tell 5 friends to tell 5 friends about the Rights of Manoomin/Psíŋ Resolution!

Send a letter to your representative to show your support for the resolution! You can do this in under 1 minute right HERE

Watch and share our Rights of Manoomin/Psíŋ video (below), featuring testimony from indigenous community members on the history, importance and meaning of manoomin/psíŋ


Contact to get more information on this project