I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics (Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Health) at the University of Minnesota. I received my PhD in child psychology from the Institute of Child Development (2010) and my MPH in Maternal and Child Health (2016) at the University of Minnesota. Prior to coming to Minnesota, I received my Masters and Bachelors in Human Development and Family Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Most of my research focuses on understanding the developmental outcomes of children and families with multiple risk factors. I am particularly interested in children with parents in prison, as well as the programs and policies that impact incarcerated people and their families. In addition to my academic work, I served as a guardian ad litem for 10 years in the 4th judicial district.
Contact Information
Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Health
University of Minnesota
717 Delaware Street SE | Room 382
Minneapolis, MN 55414
shlaf002@umn.edu | 612-625-9907