Pre-lab for Session 2

This "pre-lab" takes about 10-15 minutes.

Read the text and watch the short videos below. Use a piece of scratch paper to jot down a few words and phrases that are important to you or spark your curiosity.

Ideas that are introduced below will be explained in more depth during Session 2.

Wild parsnip

Wild parsnip safety & identification

Always wear long sleeves, long pants and gloves that protect the skin from contact with wild parsnip sap.

Wild parsnip plants look different depending on their age. Young plants are clusters of leaves close to the ground. When plants are in their mature and final year, they grow tall stems, form flowers and seeds, and die.

Note: Mark states that wild parsnip is "Restricted" in Wisconsin. Wild parsnip is "Prohibited-Control" in Minnesota.

Note: Mark mentions weeding. Volunteers with Pesky Plant Trackers do not remove plants. There is no requirement to weed.

Interactive module on wild parsnip

Follow this link to a "Learning & assessment module" by the Midwest Invasive Species Information Network.

  • This activity takes 3-6 minutes.

  • You may click on images to magnify them.

  • You may take the quiz as an anonymous guest. Your score is only for you. It will not be sent to Pesky Plants staff.

Seven Phenophases

Every time you observe a plant, you will check for the presence or absence of 7 phenophases. Answer choices are "Y" for yes, "N" for no, "?" for unsure, and blank if you did not check. All 7 phenophases have precise definitions, which will be explained in Session 2.

  1. Initial growth

  2. Leaves

  3. Flowers or flower buds

  4. Open flowers

  5. Fruits

  6. Ripe fruits

  7. Recent fruit or seed drop

Intensity questions

For certain phenophases, when you answer "yes," you will be asked for more details. These "intensity questions" entail counting or estimating. Intensity questions always use a multiple choice format.

Join Session 2 to explore phenophases in depth.

You're done with the pre-lab for Session 2! Thank you!