Participate in Ongoing Studies!

recruitment flyer for audiobook hearing test of hearing loss

Identifying hearing loss through neural responses to engaging stories


Recruiting - Hearing Loss


This research study will develop an efficient electroencephalographic (EEG) method that uses more engaging, narrated stories to identify frequency-specific hearing loss.

To sign up: 

Funded by the Hearing Health Foundation

recruitment flyer for natural context abrs and erps for normal hearing

Neural underpinnings of understanding speech in different listening contexts


Recruiting - Normal Hearing


This study evaluates the neural underpinnings of understanding speech in different listening contexts, such as listening to two talkers simultaneously or speech in background noise.

To sign up: 

Funded by the UMN CLA Social Sciences Seed Grant

recruitment flyer for parallel ABR for testing hearing loss

Rapid acquisition of the frequency-specific auditory brainstem response through parallel stimulus presentation (pABR)


Recruiting - Hearing Loss


This study aims to test the accuracy and speed of the pABR for future clinical use by recruiting adults with a range of hearing loss profiles from normal hearing to severe loss.

To sign up:  

Collaboration with Ross Maddox at the University of Michigan (main PI)

Funded by the NIDCD R01