Patricia M.E. Lorcin
Professor Emerita of History
BA (Honors) SUNY Purchase
MA in Modern European History. Columbia University
MPhil in Modern European History. Columbia University
Ph.D. in Modern European History. Columbia University (1992)
Faculty positions:
§ Samuel Russell Chair in Humanities (2017-2022)
§ Professor, Department of History, University of Minnesota-twin cities (2012-2022)
§ Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Minnesota-twin cities (2004-2012)
§ Assistant Professor, Department of History, Texas Tech University (2000-2004)
§ Visiting Lecturer, Department of History, Rice University, Houston, Texas (1999 to 2000)
§ Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of History, Florida International University (1997-1999)
§ Imperial Identities, London/New York, I.B. Tauris/St. Martins Press, 1995 (Paperback edition May 1999; (revised edition with new preface and introduction), French Empire Series, University of Nebraska Press, 2014)
§ Kabyles, Arabes, Français: Identités coloniales, French translation of Imperial Identities, Limoges, PULIM, 2005
§ Arabic Translation of Imperial Identities, El Emir publications, Marseille, 2023
§ Historicizing Colonial Nostalgia: European Women’s Narratives of Algeria and Kenya 1900-present N.Y. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012
Edited volumes and special issues:
§ Algeria and France 1800-2000: Identity, Memory and Nostalgia, Syracuse University Press, 2006 – with a preface by Henri Alleg
§ Special issue of Journal of North African Studies: The Southern Shores of the Mediterranean and its Networks: Knowledge, Trade, Culture and People, Vol. 20/1, 2015
§ The Southern Shores of the Mediterranean and its Networks: Knowledge, Trade, Culture and People, (book version of the special issue) London, Routledge, 2015
§ The Cultural History of Western Empires, Volume 6, 1920-present, London, Bloomsbury, (December 27, 2018)
Co-edited volumes and special issues:
§ Migrances, Diasporas et Transculturalités Francophones. Littératures et cultures d’Afrique, des Caraïbes, d’Europe et du Québec, (co-editors Hafid Gafaiti & David Troyansky), 2 Vols., Vol. 1. Paris, L’Harmattan, 2005
§ “France and Islam” special issue of French Historical Studies, Vol. 30:3, Summer 2007 (co-editor, Paula Sanders)
§ Transnational cultures and identities in the Francophone world, (co-editors Hafid Gafaiti & David Troyansky) 2 Vols., Vol. 2, Lincoln, Nebraska University Press, 2009
§ France and its Spaces of War. Experience, Memory, Image (co-editor Daniel Brewer) New York, Palgrave 2009.
§ “The Southern Shores of the Mediterranean and its Networks: Knowledge, Trade, Culture and People”, special issue of Journal of North African Studies, Vol 20/1, 2015
§ French Mediterraneans. Transnational and Imperial Histories (co-editor Todd Shepard), Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2016
§ Special Issue on Gender and Global War in the 20th Century in Gender & History co-editors Louise Edwards & Martha Hanna), Vol. 28/3, November 2016
§ "Imperialism, Cultural Identity and Race in Colonial Algeria. The role of the Medical Corps: 1830-1870" in ISIS, 90:4, 1999, 653-679
§ “Rome and France in Africa. Recovering Algeria's Latin Past" in French Historical Studies, 25:2, 2002, 295-329 (awarded William Koren prize)
§ "Women, Gender and Nation in colonial novels of inter-war Algeria." In Historical Reflections/Reflexions Historiques, (Special issue on Algeria) 28:2, 2002, 163-184
§ “Teaching the women of the French Empire” in a Pedagogical forum on writing women into French history courses for French Historical Studies, Vol. 27:2, 2004,
§ “Mediating Gender; Mediating Race: Women Writers in Colonial Algeria” in Culture, Theory and Critique, 2004, 45(1), 45-61
§ “Manipulating Elissa: The Uses and Abuses of Elissa Rhaïs and her works” Journal of North African Studies, Vol. 17/5, 2012, 903-922
§ “Imperial Nostalgia; Colonial Nostalgia: differences of theory, similarities of practice?” Historical Reflections/Reflexions Historiques, Vol. 39/3, 2013, 97-111
§ “Politics, Artistic Merit and the Posthumous Reputation of Albert Camus”, special issue of South Central Review, Vol. 31/3 2014, 9-26
§ “Women in France d’Outre-mer: Pedagogy and Avenues of Research”, part of a forum on Women in France Outre-mer in Journal of Women’s History, Vol 28/4, 2016
§ “The Legacy of the “War to End All Wars,” in Gender & History with Louise Edwards & Martha Hanna, Vol. 28/3, November 2016 567-586)
§ “The Nostalgias for Empire” in History & Theory, Vol 57/2, June 2018, 269-285
Book Chapters:
§ "The Soldier Scholars of Colonial Algeria: Arabs, Kabyles & Islam: Military Images of France in Algeria" in Franco-Arab Encounters, (eds. L. Carl Brown, Matthew Gordon), AUB Press, 1996, 128-150
§ "Decadence and Renascence: Louis Bertrand and the Concept of Rebarbarisation in Fin de Siècle Algeria", in (eds. Kay Chadwick & Timothy Unwin), New perspectives on the fin-de-siècle in nineteenth and twentieth century France, Edward Mellen, London, 2000, 181-197
§ "Sex, Gender and Race in the colonial novels of Elissa Rhaïs and Lucienne Favre" in Tyler Stovall & Susan Peabody (eds.) The Color of Liberty: Histories of Race in France, Durham (N.C.), Duke University Press, 2003, 108-130
§ The article "Imperialism, Cultural Identity and Race in Colonial Algeria. The role of the Medical Corps: 1830-1870" is one of 19 articles selected to appear in John P. Jackson (ed.) Science, Race and Ethnicity: Readings from Isis and Osiris, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2000, 378-405
§ “Historiographical Reflections” in Zeynep Çelik. Julia Clancy-Smith & Frances Terpak (eds.) The Walls of Algiers, University of Washington Press, 2009
§ “Reflections on the French Colonial Mind’ in The French Colonial Mind, Lincoln, Nebraska University Press, 2011, 3-25
§ "Pax Romana transposed: Rome as an exemplar for Western imperialisms,” in Robert Aldrich and Kirstin McKenzie (eds.), The Routledge History of Western Empires, London, Routledge, 2013, 409-423
§ “France’s Nostalgias of Empire” in France since the 1970s, History, Politics and Memory in an Age of Uncertainty edited by Emile Chabal, London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2015, 143-172
Projects in progress:
§ Monographs:
§ The Cold War, Art, Politics and Transnational Activism during the period of Decolonization
Book Reviews:
Featured Reviews:
§ Jonathon Glassman, War of Words, War of Stones: Racial Thought and Violence in Colonial Zanzibar. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 2022, American Historical Review (2012) 117 (5) 1534-1536
§ Jerrold Seigel, Between Cultures: Europe and Its Others in Five Exemplary Lives, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015 for H-France Cross Disciplinary Reviews (May/June 2016)
§ Christine Carroll, The Politics of Imperial Memory in France, 1850-1900, Cornell University Press, 2022 for H-France Forum, May 2023
Regular Reviews:
§ Gavin Murry-Miller, Empire Unbound. France and the Muslim Mediterranean 1880-1918, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022 in Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 2023
§ Natalya Vince, The Algerian War; The Algerian Revolution, New York, Palgrave MacMillan, 2020 in Journal of Modern History (2023)
§ Ian Coller, Muslims and Citizens: Islam, Politics and the French Revolution (New Haven, Yale University Press, 2020) in French Politics, Culture & Society (Vol 40/2, Summer 2022)
§ Robert Gildea, Empires of the Mind: The Colonial Past and the Politics of the Present, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2019 in Journal of Modern History, June 2022
§ Graham M. Jones, Magic’s Reason. An Anthropology of Analogy, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2017, for French Politics, Culture and Society, Summer 2020
§ Thomas Dodman, What Nostalgia Was. War, Empire and the Time of a Deadly Emotion, Chicago, Chicago University Press, 2018 in Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Summer 2019
§ Darcie Fontaine, Decolonizing Christianity. Religion and the End of Empire in France and Algeria, Cambridge & New York, Cambridge University Press, 2016 in Church History, 2018, 87/2, 622-624
§ Rabah Aissaoui and Claire Eldridge (eds.) Algeria Revisited. History, Culture and Identity. Edited by. London: Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2017, Journal of African History, Vol 59/2, July 2018
§ Ethan B. Katz, The Burdens of Brotherhood. Jews and Muslims from North Africa to France, Harvard University Press, 2015 in American Historical Review, 123/2, 2018, 647–648
§ Gavin Murray-Miller, The Cult of the Modern. Trans-Mediterranean France and the Construction of French Modernity, Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2017, Journal of Modern History Vol 90/4, December, 2018
§ Laurent Mauvignier, The Wound, Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2015, H-Fiction & Film for French Historians, (April, 2016)
§ Lynda Chouiten, Isabelle Eberhardt and North Africa: A Carnivalesque Mirage. Lanham: Lexington. 2015. MLR, 111.2, (2016)
§ Louis Barthas, Poilu, New Haven, Yale U Press, 2014, in The Los Angles Review of Books, September 26, 2014
§ William Gallois, A History of Violence in the Early Algerian Colony in American Historical Review (2014) 119 (2): 649-650
§ Rebecca Rogers, A Frenchwoman’s Imperial Story: Madame Luce in Nineteenth Century Algeria, in Social History, Vol. 38/4, 2013
§ Osama Abi-Mershed, Apostles of modernity: Saint-Simonians and the civilizing mission in Algeria for the Journal of Asian Studies (July 2013)
§ Julia Clancy-Smith, Mediterraneans. North Africa and Europe in the Age of Migration. C.1800-1900, for Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History Vol 13:1(Spring 2012)
§ George Trumbull IV, An Empire of Facts, Colonial Power, Cultural Knowledge, and Islam in Algeria 1870-1914 for American Historical Review (April 2011)
§ Dana Hale Races on Display, French Representations of Colonized Peoples 1886-1940 for Journal of Modern History (2010)
§ Diana Davis, Resurrecting the Granary of Rome: Environmental History and French Colonial Expansion in North Africa, Athens: Ohio University Press, 2007. Reviewed for Agricultural History (2008)
§ Pierre H. Boulle, Race et esclavage dans la France de l’Ancien Régime, Paris, Perrin, 2007. Reviewed for American Historical Review, (June 2008)
§ J.P. Daughton, An Empire Divided. Religion, Republicanism, and the Making of French colonialism, 1880-1914, Oxford/N.Y., Oxford University Press, 2006. Reviewed for H-France, (June 2007)
§ Eric T. Jennings, Curing the Colonizers: Hydrotherapy, Climatology, and French Colonial Spas. Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 2006, for the International History Review, Vol. 29:4, 2007.
§ Gary Wilder’s The French Imperial Nation State: Negritude and Colonial Humanism between the two World Wars, part of an H-Net Forum (September 2006)
§ Mouloud Feraoun, The Poor Man’s Son, Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2005, for the Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History (2005)
§ John Tully, France on the Mekong: A History of the Protectorate in Cambodia, 1863-1953, for H-France Review, Vol. 4: 121 (December 2004)
§ Martin S. Straum, Labeling People: French Scholars on Society, Race and Empire, 1815-1848 for the American Historical Review, October 2004 p. 1321
§ Matthew Connolly, A Diplomatic Revolution, Algeria’s fight for Independence and the post-Cold War era, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2003, for the American Historical Review (December 2003)
§ Heather J. Sharkey, Living with Colonialism. Nationalism and culture in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Berkeley, University of California Press, 2003, for the Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, Vol. 4:3, 2003
§ Jonathan Gosnell, The Politics of Frenchness in colonial Algeria 1930-1954, Rochester, Rochester University Press, 2002, for H-France, February 2003
§ Mouloud Feraoun, Journal 1955-1962. Reflections on the French-Algerian War, translated by Mary Ellen Wolf and Claude Fouillade and edited by James Lesueur, Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2000, for French Politics, Culture and Society (January 2002)
§ Owen White, Children of the French Empire: Miscegenation and Colonial society in French West Africa 1895-1960, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1999, for American Historical Review, (Vol. 106, n° 4, October 2001)
§ Pnina Werbner & Tariq Modood (eds.) Debating cultural Hybridity. Multi-cultural Identities and the Politics of anti-Racism, London, Zed Books, 1997 for Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, (Vol. 12, n° 3, July 2001)
§ Phillip Naylor, France and Algeria. A History of Decolonization and Transformation, Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2000, for the Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History (Vol. 2, n° 2, 2001)
§ Julia Clancy-Smith & Frances Gouda (eds.) Domesticating the Empire. Race, Gender and Family Life in French and Dutch Colonialism, Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1998. Reviewed for the American Historical Review (Vol. 104, n° 2, 1999)
§ Nina Rattner Gelbart, The King's Midwife. A History and Mystery of Madame du Coudray, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1998 H-Women, (February 1999)
§ Neil MacMaster, Colonial Migrants and Racism. Algerians in France, 1900-62, N.Y., St. Martin's Press, 1997. Reviewed for H-France (June 1998)
§ Zeynep Çelik, Urban Forms and Colonial Confrontations. Algiers under French Rule, University of California Press, Los Angeles/London, 1997. Reviewed for H-France (January 1998)
§ Robert Malley, The Call from Algeria, Berkeley, California University Press, 1996. Reviewed for: H-Africa (August 1997)
Contributions to encyclopedias:
§ Entry for Dictionary of African History, edited by Henry Louis Gates & Emmanuel K. Akyeampong, (eds.) Oxford University Press, 2009
§ 5 entries for the Larousse Dictionary of French Imperialism, edited by Claude Liaizu (2006)
§ “Empire and Imperialism: The French Colonial Empire” for The Encyclopedia of the Modern World, edited by Peter Stearns, N.Y., Oxford University Press, 2007
§ “Algeria 1789-1900” for The Encyclopedia of Europe, 1789-1900, edited by John Merriman & Jay Winter, N.Y. Scribners, (2005-2006)
§ “Intersection of Race, Ethnicity and Gender in the Construction of Difference in Islamic Countries and Communities: North Africa” for the Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic cultures, edited by Suad Joseph, Brill Academic publishers (2004-2005)
§ “Women, Gender and Colonialism/Imperialism Policies and Practices: French North Africa” for the Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic cultures, edited by Suad Joseph, Brill Academic publishers ( 2004-2005)
Contributions to internet sources etc.
§ Consultant Editor, Travel Writing, Spectacle and World History. Schlesinger Library/Adam Matthews Project. Essay provided: “Travel writing as a source for World History”
§ 3 contributions for World History Sources (The Essence of Line; Imperial War Museum Collections & British History on line), 2006
§ Consultant and contributor for 20th Century World History Sources, a Gale Group Project. Contributions include: Colonial North Africa (Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria & Morocco) and Mesopotamia; Pre-colonial Morocco, European women and the Orient; Western Women in colonial Africa; French women and travel; French Colonial Doctrine, 2004
§ Contributor to World History Matters (an NEH-funded exemplary education project organized by the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University) Contribution: Women travelers in the 19th and 20th centuries, 2003
Membership of academic society boards or committees
§ AHA Committee member and Chair (2020) George Mosse prize for cultural and intellectual history (2018-2020)
§ AHA Chair for the J. Russell Major Prize for French history (2011-2013)
§ AHA Committee member for the J. Russell Major Prize (2010-2013)
§ Executive Committee of the Western Society for French History (2010-2013)
§ Editor of the French Historical Studies (2007-2011)
§ Editorial collective of Gender & History (2008-2023)
§ Comité scientifique, Colloque Cultures d’Empire, Université de Paris 8 (2008-2009)
§ Editorial board of French Historical Studies (2004-2006)
Distinctions and Awards:
§ Professor Emerita (2022)
§ Samuel Russell Chair in Humanities (2017-2022)
§ Institute of Advanced Studies Fellow: Spring 2014
§ European Studies Consortium Faculty Travel Grant (2012-2013)
§ UMN International Travel Grant (2012)
§ Imagine Fund Award (2009-2010)
§ Grant-in-Aid, University of Minnesota (2008-9)
§ Chair’s Initiative Grant, University of Minnesota (2007-8) – Book Research Project
§ Chair’s Initiative Grant, University of Minnesota (2007-8) – International Collaborative Project
§ McMillan Travel Award, University of Minnesota (2007-8)
§ European Studies Consortium Faculty Travel Grant, University of Minnesota (2007)
§ Gould Foundation Grant (2006) for War Conference
§ McKnight Summer Research Fellowship, University of Minnesota (2005-2006)
§ Faculty Summer Research Fellowship, University of Minnesota (2005-2006)
§ Grant-in-Aid of research, artistry and scholarship, University of Minnesota-twin cities (2005-2006)
§ Fulbright-Hays faculty project to visit Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos (Summer 2004)
§ William Koren prize for the best article in French history of 2002 (2003)
§ Research Enhancement Award from Texas Tech University (2002)
§ Women's Studies Travel Award from Texas Tech University (2001)
§ NEH Summer Institute at the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University, Washington D.C. on: “Islam and the 21st Century: Heritage and Prospects” (June 1999)
§ President's Fellowship at Columbia University (1984-85)
§ Nominated and invited to campus for the position of professor, Lancaster University (March/April 2004)- withdrew
§ Nominated for the Kenan professorship at Washington & Lee University (November 2004)–withdrew
§ Invited to interview for the Shriver Chair at Miami University, Ohio (November 2016) - withdrew
Interdisciplinary Research and Teaching Collaboratives
· Member of the ICGC collaborative on the global movement of therapies and science, and the global circulation of (scientific/medical) knowledge. Regular meetings throughout the fall of 2006 culminating in a weekend retreat in December to discuss findings and plan collaborative national grant proposal (2006-7)
· TASI Summer Institute, July 2011 on “Violence across time and space, from the Mediterranean to Northern Europe: Theory and Practice”
· IAS Collaborative Award – Mediterranean Identities (jointly with Kay Reyerson and John Watkins – (2009-2012)
· Member of the African Studies Initiative Collaborative (2017-8)
Radio interviews
§ Arabic Service of BBC interview on The World of Books, June 13, 2018
§ Participant in a panel on the French Elections in Mid-Morning on MPR (KNOW), May 4, 2007
§ Interview on the program “La Fabrique de l’Histoire”, France Culture, May 25, 2007
§ Program dedicated to the Freshman Seminar, “Spaces and Boundaries of War” on France Culture, “La Fabrique de l’Histoire), July 13, 2007
Web Interviews
New Books in French Studies on French Mediterraneans: Transnational and Imperial Histories on August 15, 2018.
The German Historical Society, London: “Nostalgia: Historicizing the longing for the past” October 1-3. 2015 Paper presented: “The politics of Memory, Trauma, Nostalgia in the colonial context?”
The Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy, Boston University: Algeria and Albert Camus (Nov. 25, 2013) Paper presented: “Politics, artistic merit and the posthumous reputation of Albert Camus”
Department of French and Italian, University of Minnesota (March 8, 2013)
“Nationalist Anger, Colonial Illusions: Nostalgia as Colonial Women’s Response to Decolonization”
Columbia University: 50th Anniversary of Algerian Independence: Discussion of my work and Algerian historiography (November 14-15, 2013)
University of Oxford: French Politics in an Age of Uncertainty (September 14/15. 2012)
Paper presented: “Imperial Nostalgia; Colonial Nostalgia: differences of theory, similarities of practice?”
N.Y.U. Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies, Research workshop on “An Algeria without France: on the Origins of Algerian Nationalism” by Amal Ghazal (April 19, 2012)
Paper presented: Comment on the workshop
U.C.L.A.: New Approaches to Algerian Jewish Studies (October 23-24, 2011)
Paper presented: “Manipulating Elissa: The Uses and Abuses of Elissa Rhaïs and her Works”
UCLA: “Invasion Is A Structure Not An Event”: Settler Colonialism Past and Present conference (October 29-30, 2009)
Paper present: Settler women writing nostalgia
University of Manchester, Global Wounds: Collective Memory and World History Conference (May 28-29, 2009)
Paper presented: Nostalgia: Wound of Empire or Cancer of Colonialism?
Harvard University, Center of European Studies, (April 16, 2009)
Paper presented: Paradoxical Lives: Nostalgia, Modernity and Race in European Women’s writing in colonial Algeria & Kenya)
Society for the Study of French History Conference on “Confrontation”, U.K., July 3-4, 2008
PLENARY SPEAKER. Nostalgia, Modernity and Race in the writings of French colonial women in Algeria
Exeter University, United Kingdom (April 12-14, 2007)
Symposium on The French Colonial Mind, Final round-table moderator
Macalaster College, November 28, 2005
Invited speaker: Colonial women in French settler colonies
Oberlin College, November 19-20, 2005
Symposium on “New Directions in Writing the History of the French Empire”, Paper: Women in the empire
University of Manchester, U.K., June 4, 2005
Guest speaker: Paper; Personal Strategies, Literary Ends: Women in colonial Africa
Texas A&M University – November 17, 2003
Symposium of Comparative Borders. Symposium Paper: Transgressing boundaries of gender and race, defining borders of imperialism: literary women in colonial Africa
Presentation for Graduate Students: Researching French Colonialism from a post-colonial perspective
University of Nebraska, 25-26 September 2003
Pauley Symposium on “Explorations, Encounters, Empires”. Paper: “Africa Made me”: Gender, Imperialism and Nostalgia in the genesis of literary personality
University of Limoges, May 2003
Mediating Gender, Mediating Race: women writers in Colonial Algeria”, Paper presented in French
Northwestern University, April 12 2003
Symposium on Algeria/France: Migrating Subjects-Traveling Cultures. Paper presented: “Mediating gender, mediating race: the role of women writers in colonial Algeria”
Cornell University, February 28, 2003
Conference: Contemporary Democratic Movements and Political Protests in Algeria. Presentation: “Arabs, Berbers and Frenchmen: “indigenous” policies and identity politics in colonial Algeria
Le Moyne University, February 27, 2003
Paper presented on Women and Gender in the European colonies
Stanford University, January 2003
“Gender, Imperialism and the seeds of Colonial Nostalgia in the works of Isabelle Eberhardt and Karen Blixen”
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. Paris May 30-31st, 2001
Paper presented in French: Louis Bertrand, Robert Randau and Lucienne Favre: Nation, Gender and Race in colonial literature
University of Texas, Houston (March 2000)
Guest speaker at a graduate seminar in the Department of History: French imperialism in Algeria
University of Miami, Miami, Florida (October 1998)-AY 1998-99 Lecture Series
"Gender and Imperialism in the genesis of literary personality"
University of Miami, Miami, Florida (October 1997)
Guest speaker at a graduate seminar in the Department of Foreign Languages: "Colonial women: Their importance in the study of European Imperialism"
Miami Book Fair (November 1995)
Tahar Ben Jelloun at the Miami Book Fair - Introductory speaker: "An Introduction to the Author and his work"
Conferences and SEMINARS:
Social Science History Association Conference, November 21-24, 2019: Chair and comment on the Panel “The Politics of Nostalgia”
African Studies Initiative Public Symposium April 12-13, 2018: Reframing Mass Violence in Africa: Social Memory and Social Justice
Moderator of the panel” Uncivil Wars: Repressive, Revolution, Fragmentation, and the Record
Western Society for French History, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, November 3-6, 2016
Presenter on Round Table: “Colonial Regime Change in the History of the French Empire”
Comment on Panel on: “Questioning Legitimacy: Gender, Law and Custom in Metropole and Colony”
African Studies Conference, UMN, April 21-23, 2016
Comment on Panel: Orality and the Geography of Texts
Anti-Semitism in Today’s Europe: Between Neo-Nationalism and Global Terrorism, Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, UMN, March 9, 2016
Panel Moderator
Society for French Historical Studies: Nashville, Tennessee, March 3-6, 2016
Chair of Panel: “Archaeology, Science, and Empire, 1860-1930”
Comment on Panel: “From Mission civilisatrice to Mission coercitive: Colonial Violence, Criminal Justice,
and Anti-Imperial Revolt in French West/North Africa”
French Colonial Historical Society: Binghamton, New York, May 7-9, 2015
Participant in the Plenary Session on Writing the History of Women, Gender and the French Empire: Presentation on: “Women in France Outre-Mer: Pedagogy and Research”
Chair of the panel: “Gendered Politics and Identities in La France Outre-Mer”
Western Society for French History: San Antonio, Texas, November 13-15, 2014
Participant in the Panel: Political Organizing in Empire. Paper presented: The Cold War, Art, Politics and Transnational Activism in the ‘lives” of Gloria de Herrera
Society for French Historical Studies Conference: Boston, MA, April 4-6, 2013
Speaker at the final round table on Centenary of Albert Camus’ birth: Paper presented “Politics, artistic merit and the posthumous reputation of Albert Camus”
Chair of the panel: Trans-Mediterranean France: Transnational Encounters and National Imaginaries from 1789 to the Present
Western Society for French History: Banff, Canada, October 11-13, 2012
Discussant of the panel: Race-Space and Republicanism in the French Algerian Context
Mediterranean Studies Association International Congress, Pula, Croatia May 30-June 2, 2012
Participant in the Panel: Theatre, Film, & Literature. Paper presented: Manipulating Elisa: The Uses and Abuses of Elisa Rhaïs and her works
Mediterranean Collaborative, IAS, UMN: December 10, 2011
Presentation: Violence across the Mediterranean as taught in the Trans Atlantic Summer Institute
Middle East Studies Association Conference, Washington, December 1-4, 2011
Discussant for panel on The Anthropology of Berber Societies, New Approaches of Time, Space and History
Western Society for French History, Portland, November 10-12, 2011
1. Discussant for panel: Feminism, Race and Empire
2. Chair of the panel: Policing the Colonies
French Colonial Historical Society, Toronto, June 2-4, 2011
Paper presented: “Manipulating Elissa: The Uses and Abuses of Elissa Rhaïs and her Works”
Society for French Historical Studies, Charleston, South Carolina. February 2011
1. Panel member of Panel “On Nostalgia in Modern France: Variations on a Theme”
Paper presented “Nationalist Anger; Colonial Illusions: Nostalgia as Colonial Women’s Response to Decolonization.”
2. Panel member of round table on “Teaching French History through travel and study abroad”
3. Chair of the panel: “Coping with decolonization: from Pondicherry to Paris”
Social Science History Association, Chicago, 18-20 November, 2010
Panel member on Round table on: Gendered History across Epistemologies: Family History
Western Society for French History, Lafayette, Louisiana, 21-23 October 2010
Chair of the panel: France’s Colonial Past: Representations and Ideologies
Mediterranean Identities Collaborative, UMN October 18, 2010
Presentation: Wound of Empire, Cancer of Colonialism: Creating Nostalgia in European women’s writing in Colonial Algeria
Europe in the News, European Consortium Studies talk, September 29, 2010
Presentation: Moving for 300 Euros, France, Romania and the Roma Minority
Global Rem, May 10-11, 2007
Panel member of “Peaches & Pears: Surprising connections” (paired with Greta Friedmann-Sanchez)
Society for French Historical Studies, Houston Texas, March 2007
Discussant for panel on “Uses of the past in Algeria”
SSHA Conference, Minneapolis, November 2-6 2006,
Chair and Commentator for panel Decolonization and Public Imaginations of Nation Space: France and Japan
Society for French Historical Studies, Champaign-Urbana, April 20-23, 2006
Chair of panel:
Western Society for French History, Colorado Springs, October 27-29, 2005
Commentator for the panel on “Gender and Colonialism”
Conversation with Tom Reiss: How to do Historical Journalism, Friday April 8, 2005, University of Minnesota-twin cities: Commentator
Society for French Historical Studies Conference, Stanford University, March 17-19, 2005
1. Panel Chair: Identity and Segregation in the Colonial Context
2. Chair and participant: Round Table on Food and Drink in the French empire: Algeria, Indochina and French Sudan
Symposium on France and the Modern World in honor of Kim Munholland, University of Minnesota-twin cities, October 15 2004
Commentator on the panel for French medicine
Western Society For French History – Annual Conference, Sept. 30-Oct. 3, 2004
Panel organizer and commentator for a panel on “Colonial Politics”
Society for French Historical Studies Conference, Annual Conference, June 4-7, 2004
Commentator for a panel on “Colonisation et Immigration” (comments presented in French)
Western Society for French History, - Annual Conference – Oct.30-Nov.1, 2003
Commentator for a panel on “Colonial Politics”
French Colonial Historical Society, Toulouse, May 18-21, 2003
Commentator for a panel on “Religion, Identity and Migration in the Nineteenth-Century Maghreb”
American Historical Association Conference, San Francisco 2002
Commentator for a panel on: “Frontiers of Desire: Sexuality, Empire and Nation in the late 18th and early 19th Centuries”
Society for French Historical Studies - March 8-10, 2001
Presenter on a 5-person panel round table on "France Overseas" Paper presented: "Gender and Women in France d'Outre-mer: Teaching strategies and problems"
Western Society for French History - Annual Conference - November 8-11, 2000
Commentator for a panel on: “Memory and National Myth: Historical memory in fin-de-siècle France”
Society for French Historical Studies Conference - March 30-April 1, 2000
Paper presented: "Women, gender and nation in novels of inter-war Algeria" on the panel The politics of gender, family and domesticity in the inter-war period
Pacific Coast Branch Conference of the AHA August 5-8 1999
Paper presented: "Sex, race and gender in the colonial novels of Elissa Rhaïs and Lucienne Favre"
American Historical Association Annual Conference - January 7-10 1999
Paper presented: "Rome and France in Africa: Recovering Algeria's Latin Past" in the panel French Imperial constructs in Algeria and Mexico: Monumentality, Race and the Civilizing Mission
Western Society for French History - Annual Conference - November 4-7, 1998
Panel organizer: Panel on “Paradoxes and Paradigms of Colonial Identity; Colonizer and Colonized Reconsidered”
Paper presented: " 'Africa made me'. Isabelle Eberhardt and Karen Blixen and the Interactive role of Gender and Imperialism in the genesis of literary personality"
Woman and Society Conference, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, (June 5-7, 1998)
"Women as Agents of Cultural Exchange. Mary Slessor, Mary Kingsley and the Scramble for Africa."
Research and Teaching Gendered History: Regional Variations (Florida International University, March 6,1998) Paper presented: European Women & Imperialism: Teaching Problems and Strategies"
ASMCF (Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France) Conference on FRANCE: Fin(s) de Siècle (s) University of Liverpool, U.K. (Sept. 9-11, 1997)
Paper presented: "Decadence and Renascence: Louis Bertrand (1866-1941) and the Concept of Rebarbarisation in Fin de Siècle Algeria"
Western Society for French History - Annual Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina (Oct 30 -Nov. 2, 1996)
Commentator for the panel: "Colonialism and its Consequences". Commentary focused on identity and identity formation as interpreted by the panelists in their papers.
Graduate Women in History, Columbia University, New York (March 26, 1985)
Presentation on: Women's Domestic Labor in Colonial Kenya: Prostitution in Nairobi, 1909-1950 by Louise White
Talks and panel presentations at Texas Tech University
§ Texas Tech Museum monthly guest lecture series. September 2003, Presentation: “Impressionism and the beginnings of modern art”
§ Panel member on discussion regarding European reactions to United States foreign policy. Presentation: France’s reaction. March 2003
§ France and the World, a panel discussion held in the context of International week (February 24-March 2 2003) Presentation: French International relations from the colonial period to the present
§ Panel member on a monthly series of talks on the Middle East in the wake of September 11th, held from October 2001 to December 2001.
Professional Service
· Reviewer for the NIAS (Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences)
· Chair, Academic Program Review, University of Nebraska, February 2021 – stepped down because of COVID
· Grant evaluation for Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS), (2020)
§ Israel Science Foundation, evaluation of a grant proposal entitled “Islands of Legality: Migration and Region-Formation in and around the Mediterranean” (March 2019)
§ Science Foundation; University Grants Committee, Hong Kong; Research Council Grants Committee, Hong Kong; Leverhulme Trust, U.K., Carleton College faculty fellowships (2017)
§ Fellowship/Grant proposal reviewer for the following foundations and trusts: Wellcome Trust, London; National
§ Nominator for the Prince Klaus Awards (2016) and invited to attend the presentation reception at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam which was held on December 15, 2016, NEH summer stipend (2019),
§ Manuscript evaluator for the following journals: The American Historical Review; Journal of Modern History; Journal of Women’s History; Gender & History; Comparative Studies in Society and History; Journal of the History of Ideas; French Historical Studies; French Colonial History, Theory & Society, Women’s History Review, Journal of British Studies, French Politics, Culture & Society, Journal of Intercultural Studies
§ Manuscript evaluator for the following presses: Princeton University Press; Oxford University Press; Cornell University Press; Stanford University Press; Palgrave Macmillan; Nebraska University Press; Manchester University Press, Berghahn Books; Routledge; Bloomsbury
§ Translation evaluator for the following presses: Nebraska University Press; University of Minnesota Press
§ Website evaluator for World History Matters
Letters of recommendation for outside faculty
§ Tenure review from associate to full for the following institutions: Oregon University (2006); University of Nebraska (2006); University of California, Santa Barbara (2007); Washington University in Saint Louis (2008); Johns Hopkins University (2008); Harvard University (2009), Macalaster College (2014), St. Francis Xavier University, Canada (2015), University of Toronto (2017)
§ Tenure review from assistant to associate for the following institutions: John Hopkins University (2007); SUNY, Binghamton (2007); Stanford University (2009); Vassar College (2010); Penn State University (2010), Columbia University (2011), Indiana (2013), York College, CUNY (2014), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (2016)
§ Letter of recommendation for Elizabeth Gee Memorial lectureship award, Colorado University (2008)
§ Letter of recommendation for the election to the Academy of Social Sciences of Australia (2008)
§ Letter of recommendation for Regents Professorship, University of Arizona (2013)
§ Letter of recommendation for Moore’s Professorship, University of Texas-Houston (2013)
§ Third year review which took place at Gustavus Adolphus College (March 12, 2013)
§ External reviewer and member of the defense committee of Aurelia Perrier, Georgetown University (November 7, 2014)
§ Letter of recommendation for Moore’s Professorship, University of Texas (2019)
§ Letter of evaluation for appointment as Associate Professor, Weinberg College (2023)
§ Letter of recommendation for acceptance and the Institut universitaire de France (2023)
§ Letter of recommendation for NEH Public Scholars Program (2024)
University Service - Minnesota
Committee Service
§ Member of the Middle East Search Committee (2004)
§ Member of the Undergraduate students committee (2005)
§ Member of the Undergraduate scholarship committee (2005)
§ Member of the organizing panel for the symposia on Migrations & Culture (2004-2006)
§ Member of the FLAS scholarship committee (2005)
§ Member of BIS/IDIM Committee (2005-2006)
§ Member CLA Assembly Committee (2005-06)
§ Member of the Promotions, Tenure and Merit Committee (2005-2007)
§ Chair of the PTM Committee (2006-2007)
§ Placement Officer (Fall 2007)
§ Member CLA Assembly Committee (2008-2009)
§ Member of CI&A Committee (2008-2009)
§ Member of the Undergraduate Studies Committee (2009-2010)
§ Advisory Committee (2009-2010)
§ Associate Chair (2010-2012)
§ Member of PTM Committee (2014-2015)
§ Member of the African Studies Initiative (ASI) Planning Committee on “Reframing Mass Violence in Africa: Social Memory and Social Justice” (2017-2018)
§ Member of the Badzin Fellowship Selection Committee (2018)
§ Chair of the Search Committee History of Comparative Genocide and International Human Rights (2018)
§ Advisory Committee (2018-19)
Other service
Conferences & workshops organized:
§ Instigator and joint-organizer of the conference; Spaces of War: France and Francophonie (October 2006)
§ Organized a round table on Marginal Voices: France and its colonies (May 2008)
§ Organized a Conference on: Placing the Maghrib at the Center of the 20th Century (3 national and 7 international scholars) April 9-10 2009
§ Joint-organizer of the capstone conference of the Mediterranean collaborative for which I am a co-convener on Mediterranean Identities (April 7-9, 2011)
§ Organizer of the workshop: The Southern Shores of the Mediterranean and beyond (April 12-13, 2013)
§ Organizer of workshop on: Gender & Global Warfare in the Twentieth Century, (May 15-17, 2015)
Invited and organized the program for the following Speakers
§ Tyler Stovall (Berkeley); Jo Burr Margadant (Santa Clara); Robert Nye (Oregon) (2005-06)
§ Daniel Sherman (UW Milwakee) and John Merriman (Yale), (2006-2007)
§ Bertrand Taithe (University of Manchester), Jay Winter (Yale University) 2007/2008
§ Azouz Begag (Renowned author and Minister of Equal Opportunities in the Chirac Government ), Mary Louise Roberts (Wisconsin, Madison), Elizabeth Colwill (San Diego State), Bonnie Smith (Rutgers) (2008)
§ Raphaëlle Branche (University of Paris I –Sorbonne), Eric Jennings U. Toronto), Judith Surkis (Harvard) (2009)
§ George Steinmetz (University of Michigan) Spring 2010 and Clifford Rosenberg (C.U.N.Y.) Fall 2010 (November 5)
§ Speaker for Europe in the News: “Moving for 300 Euros: France, Romania and the Roma Minority”, Sept. 29, 2010
§ Speaker for Current and Future Publishing Practices, Elmer Andersen Library, December 2, 2010
§ Letters of recommendation for faculty applying for the McKnight Grant, University of Minnesota (2006)
§ Letters of recommendation for students
At Texas Tech University
§ Member of the Organizing committee for the 35th Annual Texas Tech University comparative Literature symposium held in March 2002 on Transnational Cultures, Diasporas and Immigrant Identities in France and the Francophone World
§ Organizing and coordinating the creation of a TTU Center for European Studies in Brussels, Belgium
§ Organizer of an annual lecture series by women scholars on aspects of European history
§ Member of the organizing committee which set up an Alliance française affiliated to Texas Tech University
§ Reviewer for the President’s Annual Book Award (2002)
§ Member of the U.K. Scholarship Committee (2003)
§ Member of the Executive Committee (2003-4)
§ Member of the Search Committee for the Director and Assistant Provost of the International Cultural Center (2002-3)
§ Member the Graduate Studies Committee (2002-3)
§ Member of the Grade Appeals Committee (2002-3)
§ Member of the Distance Learning committee (2002-2004)
§ Member the Library Committee (2000-1)
Other Professional Service
§ Research Assistant for: Eugene Rice, St Jerome in the Renaissance, John Hopkins, 1985
Competition Judge at the following congresses:
§ French Cultural Congress of Florida, Orlando (March 1999)
§ French Cultural Congress of Florida, Orlando (March 23-25, 1997)
§ French Cultural Congress of Florida, Orlando (March 1996)
Public Pedagogy & Outreach
§ McLean Lecture for MINDSTRETCH on “Immigration in France in the light of the present EU immigration crisis” , St. Paul. May 11, 2016
§ Interview with Missy Goldberg and Lauren Smilernich of Circle Pines High School on Women in the French Resistance February 6, 2006
§ Series at the Walker Museum, Minneapolis on “Selling Democracy” April 2-5, Moderator for Program 2 “Help is on the Way” April 6, 2006
§ Opening lecture on French Immigration at the Minnesota Humanities Center Seminar (Feb. 2007)
§ Twin Cities Arab Film Festival, Commentator on the film Femme Courage (October 19, 2008)
§ Ousmane Sembene: African Stories Series, at the Walker Museum, Minneapolis, November 12 (post-screening discussion leader) & November 20 (panelist)
Outreach activities in Africa and Belgium:
§ Seminar on "Self-employed women: a permanent struggle?" Association of Professional Woman, Abidjan (May 1994): Panel member: "Writing and publication"
§ Association of Professional Women, Abidjan: (April 1993) Guest speaker. Seminar on "The Fin de Siècle phenomenon: Nineteenth/Twentieth Century comparisons"
§ Literary Society, Abidjan (1993): Guest speaker. "Women travelers in the Middle East." (A discussion of Billie Melman's Women's Orients. English Women and the Middle East, 1718-1918
§ Fédération Belge des Femmes Diplomées des Universités, Brussels. (March 1 1992): Guest speaker. Conference on "The problems of Professional Women on the move"
Active participation (organizational) in the following events, which took place in Belgium and the Ivory Coast:
§ International Women's Day. An Artistic Celebration (9-12 March 1995)
§ Female Circumcision in Africa (Female rite of passage or male social control mechanism?) (February 1995)
§ Women on the Move (on the problems of re-location and dislocation - 10th-12th March 1992)
§ Mind your own business (on the problems facing women who set up their own business - 15th October 1991)
§ The Glass Ceiling. Fact or Fiction? (on the barriers encountered by women in management) (16th-17th March 1991)
§ Give Peace a chance (Women and the Intifada. Organized by the Jewish Women's Association of Brussels and Chaired by Abel Matutes, European Commissioner for Mediterranean Affairs. Key-note speaker Ms. H. Ashrawi - 26th-28th May 1989)
Professional Affiliations:
§ American Historical Association
§ Society for French Historical Studies
§ Western Society for French History
§ French Colonial Historical Society
§ Middle East Studies Association
§ Phi Beta Delta. Honor Society for International Scholars
§ Society of Authors
Survey courses:
§ Western Civilization II
§ Europe and the World 1500-present
Freshman & Honors Seminars
§ Under Fire: War on the Western Front 1914-18: History, Literature, Ethics (Honors)
§ Food, Wine & Sport in the creation of French Identity
Upper level surveys and seminars:
§ France since 1750 (or France since 1815) – Politics, Society and Culture
§ Spaces and Boundaries of War: France 1870-1962
§ What it means to be French: France, its regions, and its culture Europe
§ France and Algeria: colonialism and post-colonialism, a case study (1830 to the present)
Europe and beyond:
· Imperialism and its Critics: Ethical Issues, Literary Representations
· Violence in Africa: The Decolonization of Algeria and Africa in Comparative Perspective
§ Images of Europe: Class, National, Political and Cultural Identities as seen through film and text
§ Women and Conflict in 20th century Europe (As a lecture course and as an Honors Seminar) – reorganized and updated as Gender, War & Revolution in 20th Century Europe
§ Rivalry, Incursion and Resistance: the European colonization of North Africa (1800-1962)
§ European Women in the Colonies: the importance of women and gender to imperialism
§ Under Fire: War on the Western Front 1914-1918 (rearranged as an Honors Seminar)
§ Senior Paper on The Significance of Violence (taught more than once)
§ Senior Paper on Western Imperialism (taught more than once)
§ Senior Paper – Open subject (taught more than once)
Graduate seminars or monitored independent graduate studies:
§ Decolonization of the Middle East and North Africa
§ France and Algeria: 1800-present
§ The Tradition of French Visual Satire 1789-1881 (Independent Study only)
§ Violence across the Mediterranean
§ Western Imperialism: theory and practice
§ European Women in the Colonies: theoretical and practical issues on women and gender in the colonies
§ Colonialism/Post-colonialism: theory and methods
§ France 1870 to the present
§ Readings in French history (1789 to the present)
§ Readings in French imperialism
§ Readings in French cultural history
§ Race, Nation and Identity in 19th and 20th French thought (I have taught a modified version as an undergraduate course, covering Europe rather than focusing specifically on France)
§ Fascism and the Right in Europe (TTU only)
§ Research in Atlantic civilizations: Engendering Atlantic History (jointly taught at FIU only)
§ HIST 8993-Directed Study on social groups and conceptual ideas
UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program) mentoring
· 2008 - Harlan Chambers: “Constructing and Navigating Social Space through Commemoration: French War Memorials of the 20th Century”
· 2011 - Andrew Larkin: “Neo-Colonialism or Cooperation? French Economic Interests in Colonial and Post-Colonial Cameroon”
Ivory Coast (1992-1995)
§ Consultant for UNICEF, West Africa, Abidjan office
§ Personal research carried out during this period
§ Freelance journalism
Belgium (Freelance employment while completing my PhD. 1988-1992)
§ Educational consultant for FOCUS Brussels
§ Translator accredited to the courts of Brussels and Nivelles.
United States (while completing my MA, and M.Phil)
§ History Department, Columbia University, N.Y. (1982-1985). Departmental Research Assistant to Dr. Eugene Rice
§ Freelance translator
Nigeria (1976-1979)
§ Educational Placement Officer for university fellowship students from Nigeria applying to study in France, Cultural Service, French Embassy, Lagos.
§ Accredited translator (French/English)
§ English (maternal), French (fluent), Spanish (good), Turkish (speaking)
Non-academic Interests:
Painting. I have exhibited in a number of venues including Brussels, New York, Abidjan and Minneapolis. (Website: