Lightning Talks

Elahe Soltanaghai

Elahe Soltanaghai

Unleashing the Invisible World of Wireless Signals

Kristen M. Donnell

Kristen M. Donnell

Metal in the Microwave and Electromagnetic Wallpaper

Reza Ehsani

Reza Ehsani

Advanced Crop Sensing Technologies for Agriculture

Xiao Fu

Xiao Fu

Multi-Domain Data Sensing: When Tensors Meet Deep Generative Models

Boran Han

Boran Han

Towards Geospatial Remote Sensing Foundation Models

Kejun Huang

Kejun Huang

A Unified Volume-optimization Framework for Identifiable Unsupervised Learning

Dinesh Jayaraman

Dinesh Jayaraman

The Sensory Needs of Robot Learners

Katia Lamer

Katia Lamer

Observing Fast-evolving Atmospheric Phenomena in Highly Heterogeneous Environments

Chung Hyuk Park

Chung Hyuk Park

Empathetic Human-Robot Interaction with Social Intelligence and Mutual Learning

Yanning Shen

Yanning Shen

Demystifying and Mitigating Unfairness in Machine Learning over Networks

Jivko Sinapov

Jivko Sinapov

Learning and Sharing Transferable Multisensory Object Representations for Collaborative Robots

Joshua R. Smith

Joshua R. Smith

Perceptual Sensing and Computing

Pramod K. Varshney

Pramod K. Varshney

Distributed Sensing and Applications

Zhuoran Yang

Zhuoran Yang

Reinforcement Learning with Strategic Agents

John F. Reid

John F. Reid

AI-based Solutions for Horseradish Production

Laura Balzano

Laura Balzano

Learning from Sensor Data of Varying Quality

Dennice F. Gayme

Dennice F. Gayme

Sensing Needs for Wind Farm Characterization, Design and Control

Jarvis Haupt

Jarvis Haupt

Some of Our Recent Efforts in Structured Sensing & Inference

Shahana Ibrahim

Shahana Ibrahim

Provably Robust Deep Learning with Factorization Models

Vikram Iyer

Vikram Iyer

Designing the Internet of Sustainable Things

Colleen Josephson

Colleen Josephson

Wireless Communication and sensing for a greener future

Piya Pal

Piya Pal

Role of Geometry in Modern Sensing Tasks

Ju Sun

Ju Sun

Deep Learning for Nonlinear Inverse Problems

Tyler N. Tallman

Tyler N. Tallman

Inverse Problems, Multifunctional Materials & Embedded Sensing

Meng Wang

Meng Wang

Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) for Efficient Deep Models with Theoretical Guarantees

Amanda Watson

Amanda Watsono

Wearable Biosensors for Noninvasive Continuous Health Monitoring

Yao Xie

Yao Xie

Sequential Data Modeling and Robust Decision Making under Uncertainty

Heng (Hank) Yang

Heng (Hank) Yang

Neural Sensing with Performance Guarantees

Ting Zhu

Ting Zhu

Smart, Sustainable, and Secure Sensing and Communication

Alanson Sample

Alanson Sample

Wearable and Privacy Preserving Sensing Systems