What is 4-H?

What is 4-H?

In 4-H, youth design and participate in their own programs and activities. This unique, learn-by-doing model teaches kids essential, transferrable skills that they'll use throughout their lives, such as problem solving, decision making, coping, communicating and responding to the needs of others. Whether youth are building rockets, raising dairy cows, or writing musical plays, 4-H gives them the skills they need to succeed in life. 4-H has something for everyone! Youth in kindergarten through one year past high school can participate in short-term activities or longer-term clubs, where groups meet regularly to work on projects, perform community service and develop leadership skills.

4-H offers activities in:

  • Science, engineering and technology

  • Citizenship and leadership

  • Healthy living

  • Animal science

  • And much more!

No matter which project you choose, through 4-H, youth will learn public speaking skills, how to collaborate, understand government and community, and how to develop and reach life and career goals.

Who is 4-H for?

4-H is for all youth, from kindergarten through one year past high school. 4-H welcomes boys, girls, and adults from all backgrounds and locations. The entire family can join in projects and activities. Younger members, kindergarten through second grade are part of the Cloverbud program. Cloverbud activities promote creativity and discovery without emphasis on competition.

Why join 4-H?

Exciting things are happening in 4-H Today. 4-H lets kids try new skills and express themselves through fun hands-on activities. Working on projects helps connect kids with their friends, families, communities and the world. 4-H helps kids gain confidence and develop life skills that will benefit them for the rest of their life.

A sampling of program offerings include camp, community service, performing arts events and leadership opportunities. 4-H offers 60+ projects areas including dog, aerospace, foods, youth leadership, crafts, clothing, shooting sports, horse, citizenship, photography and many, many more!

4-H Focuses on Family Involvement

Many events/workshops are designed for the whole family to attend. Parent/adult involvement supports a successful 4-H experience. They can volunteer to help as:

· 4-H club leaders (guide the 4-H club)

· Project leaders (share your knowledge and/or skills with youth)

· Event leader (guiding club’s involvement in a 4-H event or activity)

4-H – A Successful Experience

Members can choose which projects they want to learn about and what events and activities they want to attend. The more a youth is involved in 4-H, the more they get from the experience. Expand your comfort zone and try new experiences. As they get older they can become 4-H Ambassadors and volunteer to help or share their knowledge and skills. Strong use of candid photography, where subjects are engaged in interaction or tasks at hand.