Founded in 1978, the North American Catalan Society (NACS) is a professional association of scholars, students, and people with a general interest in any aspect of Catalan culture (literature, linguistics, film, visual and performing arts, history, and philosophy,among other disciplines). The Northamerican Catalan Society is committed to advancing the study of Catalan language and culture in the Northamerican academy. It seeks to foster greater visibility for, and dissemination of, scholarship in the field of Catalan Studies. It serves as a central point of reference and a public voice for a network of scholars in this field. 

To this end, NACS holds biennial colloquia, occasional smaller symposia, and publishes
Catalan Review: International Journal of Catalan Culture.


William Viestenz, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities


Henry Berlin, University of Buffalo

Maria Dasca, Universitat Pompeu Fabra


José Aguirre, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities 

Collin Diver, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Ofelia Ferrán, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities 

Erma Nezirevic, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities 


Alison Hribar, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Angie Rehn, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities