
  1. All publications in Linguistic Portfolios have to be recommended by a faculty, unless the paper is co-authored with a faculty member.
  2. The deadline for submissions will be August 31st with a publication date set for October or November 2019.
  3. Paper length is up to 10 pages, single-spaced (including appendices, bibliography, etc.) with 12-point Times New Roman font.
  4. See for an overview of proper guidelines for submission to Linguistic Portfolios.
  5. Submissions should be sent as .docx files (no PDF files) to enkoffi [at]
  6. Visit for Dr. Ettien Koffi’s prologue to the newest volume of Linguistic Portfolios to learn more about the publication.

Comment from Dr. Koffi:

Depending on the number of papers, we could do a special edition for MULS proceedings. In that case, the deadline for submissions will be August 31st with a publication date for October/November 2019. If we do not have enough submissions to warrant a special edition for the proceedings, then the deadline will be December 31, as usual with a publication date of April 2020.