An interactive three-day workshop  

for educators who work with youth 

to study urban & migratory birds and 

build  collaborative relationships with fellow educators

June 20 - 22, 2024 in Cleveland, Ohio

August 7 - 9, 2024 in St. Paul, Minnesota

The primary goals of MUBI are to help you:

 *build an understanding of basic birding

 *design a bird-focused scientific investigation using inquiry-based models

 *develop skills for engaging youth in birding, bird conservation, and the process of science

Sessions include field work, lessons,  and fun experiential activities!

The goals of MUBI will be met through these objectives:

You will be able to:

 *identify common birds

 *survey these birds in a rigorous manner

*ask questions about birds in your surroundings

*answer some of these questions through investigation

*lead youth to accomplish these objectives

Day 1

Birding & The Scientific ProcessBird ID  |  Using Binoculars  |  Feeding Birds  |  Process of Science 

Day 2 

Urban Birding & Conservation TopicsBird Walk  |  Urban Migration  |  Bird Investigation  |  World Migratory Bird Day

Day 3 

Bird Migration & Conservation TopicsBird Walk  |  International Migration  |  Bird Investigation Presentations

Educator benefits include:

Funded by the U.S. Forest Service - International Programs at no cost to you!

Rob Blair

University of Minnesota Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

 Department Head & Professor

Mike Rizo

        U.S. Forest Service - 

International Programs

        Urban & Community  

Program Specialist

Lisa Curtis

University of Minnesota Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

Program Coordinator

Jennifer Schultz

University of Minnesota Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology 

Program Instructor

Kevin Reugg

Summit Metro Parks, Akron, OH

Interpretive Naturalist

Andrew Hallberg

University of Minnesota Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

Conservation Sciences Graduate Student

Josh Leonard

Belwin Outdoor Science, St. Paul Public Schools 

Education Director

Jaime Souza

Marine Village School

Elementary Teacher

Sam Safran

University of Minnesota Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

Conservation Sciences PhD Student

Lucas Rapisarda

University of Minnesota Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

Conservation Sciences PhD Student

John Sammler

Hopkins High School

Environmental Sciences & Biology Teacher

Monica Bryand

Urban Bird Collective


Executive Director

Mick Hamilton

South High School

Biology Teacher & Environmental Educator

Buster Banish

East Clark School

Retired Teacher

Hosted by the University of Minnesota 

Funded by the U.S. Forest Service - International Projects