Rochester Chapter
Minnesota Master Naturalist
Minnesota Master Naturalist chapters are regional groups of volunteers who meet to share experiences, learn together, connect with natural resource experts, cooperate in identifying local needs, and become more involved in environmental events and projects in their communities. Chapters are "officially" sanctioned through the Minnesota Master Naturalist state program, and agree to abide by certain standards and structures for operation. Active volunteers, participants in Minnesota Master Naturalist classes, and other members of the natural resources community can all join chapters.
A fox at a local Rochester park
Contact and meeting information
Contact and meeting information
Chapter email address:
President - Barb Hudson
Vice President -
Secretary/Treasure - Joan Leof
Meeting location -
Quarry Hill Nature Center
701 Silver Creek Rd NE
Rochester, MN 55906
Meeting information - We meet the second Thursday of the month, September through May from 6:30-8:00 pm
Latest News:
The next meeting is on Thursday, February 13, 2025
Holiday party December 2024
Great potluck!
Gift exchange
Getting ready for games
other revelers
Setting up
Headed for the food