
Combine efforts and share expertise with your fellow coordinators and volunteer leaders.

Tools for you

Leadership listserv

Share your ideas and questions with coordinators, volunteer leaders, and state advisory board members by sending an email to

Who's doing What with Whom summary report

Learn what other groups are doing as reported by coordinators and volunteer leaders. Contact the group leader to collaborate.

Master Gardener volunteer speakers bureau

Looking for a speaker for your next event? Look no further. View the list of volunteer speakers and their presentation topics.

Send your speakers, presentations, and contact information to so we can keep adding to the list.

Other ways to collaborate

Be neighborly...

  • Invite neighboring county volunteers to join meetings, educational offerings, trainings, etc. Example: PICKM meeting, Central Region Pollinating New Relationships
  • Work on projects together. Follow reasonable guideline, e.g., 80% of volunteer hours should take place in the originating county. Take into account stakeholder considerations.

How do you collaborate best? Have ideas ? Share them.

Send an email to