The Team

We're here to support you.

Your team has prepared this volunteer toolkit for your work engaging your local community. We hope you enjoy using these research-based and science-checked toolkit components. We look forward to learning how you use this toolkit as you engage your community about the importance of pollinators.

The Extension Educators, Curriculum Experts, Educators, Scientists, and Partnering Organizations on the team:

Sam Bauer, Extension Educator - Horticulture

Dr. Elaine Evans, Extension Educator, U of M Bee Lab

Karl Foord, Extension Educator - Horticulture

Jackie Froemming, Extension Educator - Horticulture

Jeff Hahn, Extension Specialist, U of M Department of Entomology

Heather Holm, Horticulturalist and Biologist

Tim Kenny, Director, Arboretum Education & Master Gardener Volunteer Program

Christy Marsden, Extension Educator - Horticulture

Dr. Becky Masterman, Extension Educator and Program Director, U of M Bee Squad

Dr. Mary Meyer, Professor, U of M Department of Horticultural Science

Sandy Tanck, Manager of Interpretation, Minnesota Landscape Arboretum

Julie Weisenhorn, Extension Educator - Horticulture

University of Minnesota Bee Squad

Minnesota Department of Agriculture

The Xerces Society

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