Additional Resources


  • Attracting Native Pollinators. A publication of the Xerces Society, Attracting Native Pollinators provides valuable information and actions gardeners can take to protect and provide for these important insect pollinators facing multiple threats to their health.
  • The Bees in Your Backyard by Joseph S. Wilson and Olivia Messinger Carril. Meet the 4000 different bee species found in the US and Canada, and learn important identification tips.
  • Gardening for Butterflies. A publication of the Xerces Society, Gardening for Butterflies provides valuable information on varieties of butterflies that need help, native plants that attract them, habitat designs and best gardening practices for keeping them healthy and safe at all life stages.
  • Pollinator Friendly Gardening by Rhonda Flemming Hayes. Author, acclaimed garden writer, U of MN Extension Master Gardener, and avid gardener, Rhonda Flemming Hayes informs readers about the pollinators and their fellow insects, the synergy between plants and pollinators, and guidelines for creating and sustaining your own pollinator friendly yard and garden.
  • Pollinators of Native Plants and Bees: An Identification and Native Plant Forage Guide by Heather Holm. Excellent information and guidance about native bees, native plants and how we can grow landscapes that provide for both in two of her books listed here.
  • Protecting and Enhancing pollinators in urban landscapes for the US North Central Region This bulletin explains how to select flowers, herbs, shrubs and trees that support a diversity of pollinators throughout the year, how to manage your yard and garden to protect pollinators, and how to provide food and nesting sites for them.

