Leadership Lab

Everyday Moments of Leadership

The Leadership Lab empowers Carlson undergraduates to become organizational leaders by blending academic coursework with challenging real-world experiences. This co-curricular program fosters collaboration, curiosity, boldness, and knowing the leader within, all starting with everyday moments of leadership

Our leaders don't fear the unexpected moments; they learn how to face everyday leadership challenges fearlessly. Supported by a community of leaders, our participants lead themselves and others through immersive, experiential training - through projects with our campus partners, social enterprises and nonprofit organizations across all industries. 

Our leaders create thriving, healthy cultures by doing the right thing, elevating those around them, and holding themselves and others accountable. 

Applications for the Leadership Lab 2024/2025 cohort are now closed. Click here to be notified when the applications open again. 

Program Components & Overview

Community and Programming

All students in the Leadership Lab participate In a Leadership Retreat at the start of the semester. The retreat gives students time to connect while continue developing as leaders.

Leadership In Practice

MGMT 3061: Everyday Moments of Leadership provides students with the leadership foundation they need to assess and develop leadership In themselves and others. This course also is required for the Managing People Minor. 

Leadership In Action

MGMT 3063: Leadership In Action concludes the Lab experience by giving students an opportunity to put their training and skills to work by working on a team project with a client on a real-world leadership challenge. 

What current participants are saying...

Program Benefits

Using the power of immersive experiences, the Leadership Lab challenges students to learn, engage and impact. To develop as leaders, student in the program get:

Nominate a student

Applications are open now closed for the 2024/2025 cohort. Please nominate nominate students you think would be interested. 

All Carlson undergraduates are eligible to apply. Peers, Staff, and Faculty are encouraged to nominate students.