KGML2021: Logistics

(All times for the workshop are listed in Central Time, UTC -5)

The workshop closed on August 11, 2021 at 4:30 PM (Central Time). If you would like to view speaker presentations, please go to the KGML YouTube Channel for all available recorded presentations.

Attending the workshop:

The link to join the workshop as an attendee is (this link is the same for ALL SESSIONS):



Please note: joining via zoom is limited to 1000 attendees, therefore, attendees will be automatically redirected to the youtube livestream if we have reached the zoom maximum.

If you experience any technical difficulties in accessing the zoom or youtube links, please direct questions here.

(All times for the workshop are listed in Central Time, UTC -5)

Above: QR code to access slido via your mobile device

Alternatively, you can access slido via your browser:

Event code #52107

Asking questions virtually:


You will be able to pose questions to presenters ONLY via slido. Slido is a Q&A cloud based application that will collect questions. (It’s fairly intuitive to use, but here is a link for more information: To the left is a link (access via a browser) and a QR code (access via a mobile device) to join the workshop Q&A via slido. Here you can post questions and upvote other questions. Questions will be posed to speakers based on session chair selection and slido upvotes.

Please note: attendance at the conference is not predicated on joining via slido. If you want to watch presentations without posing questions, you can just join via zoom or youtube.

Subject to presenter consent, all sessions will be recorded and made available for later viewing, see the workshop website post-conference for details.

Virtual Poster Session:

We have a poster session each day of the conference from 12:30-1:20, presented virtually via Gather.Town. More details on the specifics of each poster session can be found here.

All poster sessions will be accessed via Gather.Town using this link:

Please note: this link is password protected. If you have registered for this conference, an email with conference information, including the Gather.Town password to access the poster sessions, has been delivered to your inbox (via the email you provided in your registration form), using the subject:

KGML2021: Conference attendance details for all registrants

If you need the password to attend any of the poster sessions and can't locate this email, please send a request to

Gather.Town creates virtual poster rooms that you can navigate with your avatar. As you approach a poster with your avatar, you will be able to view the poster and hear the poster presenter as well as other avatars that are viewing the same poster. This will permit you to engage with each poster presenter individually for discussions. Please note that HOW you join the event will differ if using Chrome or Firefox or Safari, etc. Please refer to Gather.Town 101 for specifics, here: If you have any questions or technical difficulties, please email and someone will assist you.

Poster Session Best Practice:

  • Chrome is the preferred browser

  • To reduce technical issues with mic or video integration, be sure to leave the Zoom webinar (the AM workshop session)

  • Standing on the carpeted areas in the poster rooms will allow you to listen to anyone else who is also in the carpeted area

  • To pull up the poster images or bulletin images to full screen, click "x" on your keyboard

  • To exit, you only need to close out the tab in your browser

Navigating KGML Poster Gather.Town:

Posters are separated into three rooms corresponding with that topic's presentation day. They are also color coded with arrows from the lobby to easily find the correct room.

  • Day 1 (RED): Machine Learning 1, Weather & Climate

  • Day 2 (PURPLE): Hydrology, Aquatic Sciences

  • Day 3 (BLUE): Translational Biology, Machine Learning 2

There is also a social area in the room to the left of the lobby with games and additional private spaces for conversations.

For any and all IT or navigating questions, please visit the green IT stand in the center of the Lobby.