IonE Postdoctoral Fellowship 


At the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment (IonE) we envision a world in which sustainable agriculture feeds the world; renewable energy powers healthy homes, efficient transportation and flourishing businesses; every person has access to food, water and shelter; oceans, lakes and rivers are clean and healthy; communities have vibrant economies, neighborhoods and cultures; and thriving ecosystems support flourishing economies and societies. 

The goal of the IonE Postdoctoral Fellowship is to accelerate the transition to this future by supporting breakthrough research across disciplines, developing the next generation of global leaders, and building transformative partnerships across the state, region and globe. IonE Postdoctoral Fellows are interdisciplinary, community-engaged scholars who thrive both as team leaders and collaborators. The Fellows are visionary leaders who conduct solutions-oriented research to support equitable and just sustainability transition decisions. The Fellows define success by the impact they have in the world.      

It’s important to stress this is not academia as usual. Our career scientists are redefining the role of academia in service of society. Our impact entrepreneurship and leadership development programs are unique within higher education and are preparing the next generation of change agents. And our entire community of 250+ fellows, researchers, students and staff — in partnership with external collaborators — is working every day to make the world a better place.

Because the future is not yet set in stone. Together, we create the future.


IonE Postdoctoral Fellows will lead 1-2 projects during their tenure.  These projects are part of IonE’s existing portfolio and will allow you to quickly integrate into our team, develop team science and project management skills, build academic and non-academic networks, and develop some early research outputs. We will discuss possible project opportunities with candidates during the final interview stage.


The Fellows will be a part of a cohort that will develop leadership skills through training, mentoring, and professional development programs.  Opportunities include training on DEIJ and community-engaged research methodologies, hands-on experience in team science and project management, engagement in IonE events and other interdisciplinary activities. 

 Additionally, you will be integrated into the IonE community of 250+ interdisciplinary scholars, educators and professionals who make up our IonE Affiliates. 

Each fellow will have a mentoring team that includes a primary mentor based at IonE, other IonE scholars, and a community, government, and/or industry mentor.  This team is committed to support you in both project-based and professional development mentoring. 

In addition to cohort activities, your experience will be shaped by an individual Professional Development Plan that will allow you to identify your priorities and work with your mentoring team to shape your experiences and skills. Each fellow will have 20% of their time and funds to support their professional development which can be allocated towards seed projects, skill development, conferences, or other activities.


The IonE Postdoctoral Fellowship will have an annual cohort of 5-15 fellows every year. Fellowships are for two years. Each Fellow will receive a postdoctoral fellowship salary commensurate with experience between $60,000-$68,500; additionally they will receive research and professional expenses, basic moving expenses, as well as benefits, including health care coverage and paid leave. 

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