Justine Vance


Justine Vance is an early senior triple-majoring in Journalism, Studies in Cinema and Media Culture, and Global Studies. She has a focus on photojournalism and all things multimedia, but also cares for the social aspect of the news. Her favorite forms of news to cover are features, profiles, and the occasional water sport. Outside of journalism, Justine spends her time taking care of her plants, cooking her next big meal, and unsuccessfully finding a new watch before going back to a good, old Disney movie. 

You can find her work on her website: justinemarievance.wixsite.com/miso-media

The Student Organic Farm offers produce at the U of M Farmers Market by McNamara Alumni Center in Minneapolis, Minn. every Wednesday from 9:30 am to 1 pm. Photo by Justine Vance / The Hubbard School

James Giese, manager at Smile Back Vintage, rummages through a growing pile of Gopher gear in the back of the store. Photo by Justine Vance / The Hubbard School

Smile Back Vintage brings Gopher spirit to Stadium Village

Smile Back Vintage in Stadium Village celebrates its one-year anniversary with two Gopher-themed clothing sales.

Story by Jessy Rehmann / The Hubbard School

Identity announced its apartments will not be finished by the expected fall move-in date for students. Photo by Justine Vance

After paying first month’s rent, tenants were told options include gift cards, hotel accommodations or find housing on their own.