
Joining HKN

How Can I Join?

Once a semester we email those who meet the requirements. If you feel you meet the requirements and did not receive an email from us, feel free to email us at We will verify that you are qualified so you can start the application.

  1. Download the application form and fill it out.

  2. Go to the IEEE joining website. (Skip to step 7 if you are IEEE's member)

  3. Choose Join as Student

  4. Follow the instruction and fill out the form. NOTE: Stop at the last page, and Do not pay online

  5. Print out the form you just filled

  6. Write a $60 check payable to UMN IEEE-HKN Chapter and staple it to the form you just printed and the application form in step 1. (Skip if you plan on tutoring)

  7. Turn in your application to HKN in Keller 2-111.

Why Join?

There are countless examples of benefits from being part of HKN. For example: It shows great academic accomplishment, you gain industry contacts, you get to network with those in the industry, you can build long-term relationships with other HKN members, you can get advice from experienced professionals, it makes your résumé stand out, you can build leadership skills, you get a graduation stole to show your accomplishment when accepting your degree, and many others.

New IEEE-HKN Benefits

IEEE-HKN membership is for a life time, but join now and you will receive one year free of IEEE membership and all of its benefit plus two years subscription to HKN's "The Bridge" magazine. So if you are not yet a member in IEEE, take advantage of this opportunity and join both groups at the same time.

What Are The Requirements To Join

Current Sophomores - Completed/Currently Enrolled in 1301, 2301, 2361, & 2015 or applied/admitted to major. Top 25% of Class (About 3.8 GPA)

Juniors - Top 25% of Class (About 3.7 GPA)

Seniors - Top 33% of Class (About 3.6 GPA)

Graduates - Department Approval

Professionals - Department Approval

Faculty Members - All Are Welcome

Eta Kappa Nu Testimonial

Karl E. Martersteck: President of Eta Kappa Nu Organization, Former CEO of ArrayComm, Former VP of Lucent Bell Laboratories, Fellow of IEEE, and Fellow of IEC.