Esther Banaian

I am currently a postdoc in the Homological Algebra group at Aarhus University. Here is my CV.

I recently graduated from University of Minnesota where I worked with Gregg Musiker.   During Fall 2021, I was also a visiting instructor at Macalester College.  The best way to contact me is through email: estherbanaian(at)gmail(dot)com or banaian(at)math(dot)au(dot)dk. 

Research Interests: Algebraic combinatorics, especially cluster algebras, representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras, enumerative combinatorics.

One of my favorite mathematical objects is a frieze pattern. Check out the wonderful introductory video below by Dr. Sergei Tabachnikov) 

When I am not doing math, I enjoy running, biking, cooking, learning new languages, and playing cribbage

(If you are having doubts about pronouncing my last name, you can listen to my father pronounce it in the first five seconds of this video.)