
I am interested in the intersections of group theory, topology, and combinatorics. More specifically, I study group actions on topological spaces.

During my time at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, I worked with James Walker creating symmetric mathematical artwork in Matlab. You can read about some of the mathematics used here, with a more thorough treatment found here. The latter was published in The Handbook of Complex Analysis, with one of our designs serving as the cover of the book. The headers for each page of this website also feature some of our artwork! Notably, the work at the top of this page, titled "Blugold Fireworks", was featured in the Bridges Math Art Exhibit at the 2018 Joint Mathematics Meeting in San Diego.

At the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, I have also worked with aBa Mbirika on two projects; for one project, we exhibited an Euler phi function for the Eisenstein integers. As a second project, we, along with collaborators McKenzie Scanlan and Rita Post, proved a splitting criterion for the alternating conjugacy classes in the hyperoctahedral group.

"The Power Trio" (McKenzie, Rita, and I) with aBa at the 2018 Joint Mathematics Meeting in San Diego

aBa and I in Fort Myers, FL after giving a talk at Florida Gulf Coast University on our Eisenstein integer research in November 2017