Select Publications:
(click on title to be redirected to journal page)Kipfmuellier, K.F., Montpellier, E.E., Trumper, M.L., and Griffin, D. 2022. Intra-annual Ring Width and Climate Response of Red Pine in Itasca State Park in North-central Minnesota. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. In-press
Trumper, M.L., Griffin, D., Montpellier, E.E., and Kipfmuellier, K.F. 2022. Pinus resinosa Tree-Ring Latewood Response to Daily-Scale Precipitation Variability at Lake Itasca, Minnesota. Frontiers in Water, 3, p.801265.
Kipfmueller, K.F., Larson, E.R., Johnson, L.B., and Schneider, E.A. 2021. Human augmentation of historical red pine fire regimes in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Ecosphere, 12(7): 03673.
Larson, E.R., Kipfmueller, K.F., and Johnson, L.B. 2021. People, fire, and pine: Linking human agency and landscape in the boundary waters canoe area wilderness and beyond. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 111(1):1-25.
Larson, E.R., Johnson, L.B., Wilding, T.C., Hildebrandt, K.M., Kipfmueller, K.F., and Johnson, L.R. 2019. Faces in the wilderness: a new network of crossdated culturally-modified red pine in the boundary waters canoe area wilderness of Northern Minnesota, USA. Human Ecology, 47:747-764.
Johnson, L.B., Johnson, L.R., Larson, E.R., and Kipfmueller, K.F. 2018. Culturally Modified Red Pine, Birch-Bark Canoes, and the Strategic Geography of the Fur Trade on Lake Saganaga, Minnesota, USA. Historical Archaeology, 52(2):281-300.
Kipfmueller, K.F., Schneider, E.A., Weyenberg, S.A., and Johnson, L.B. 2017. Historical drivers of a frequent fire regime in the red pine forests of Voyageurs National Park, MN, USA. Forest Ecology and Management, 405: 31–43.
Johnson, L.B. and Kipfmueller, K.F. 2016. A Fire History Derived from Pinus resinosa Ait. for the Islands of Eastern Lac La Croix, Minnesota, USA. Ecological Applications, 26(4):1030–1046.
Crawford, C.J., Griffin, D. and Kipfmueller, K.F. 2015. Capturing season-specific precipitation signals in the northern Rocky Mountains, USA using Douglas-fir earlywood and latewood tree rings. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 120: 428–440, doi: 10.1002/2014JG002740
Kipfmueller, K.F., Larson, E.R. , and St. George, R.S. 2012. Does proxy uncertainty affect the relations inferred between the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and wildfire activity in the western United States? Geophysical Research Letters, 39(L0473), doi: 10.1029/2011GL050645
Larson, E.R. and Kipfmueller, K.F. 2012. Ecological disaster or the limits of observation? Reconciling modern declines with long-term dynamics of whitebark pine communities. Geography Compass, 6/4: 189–214, doi: 10.111/j.1749–8198.2012.00481.x.
Elliott, G.P. and Kipfmueller, K.F. 2011. Multi-Scale Influences of Climate on Upper Treeline Dynamics in the Southern Rocky Mountains, USA: Evidence of Intra-Regional Variability and Bioclimatic Thresholds in Response to 20th Century Climate. The Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 101(6): 1181–1203.
Kipfmueller, K.F., Elliott, G.P., Larson, E.R., and Salzer M.W. 2010. An assessment of the dendroclimatic characteristics of three conifer species in northern Minnesota. Tree-Ring Research, 66(2):113–126.
Larson, E.R. and Kipfmueller, K.F. 2010. Patterns in whitebark pine regeneration and their relationships to biophysical site characteristics in southwest Montana, central Idaho, and Oregon, U.S.A. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 40(3): 476–487.
Elliott, G.P. and Kipfmueller, K.F. 2010. Multi-scale influences of slope aspect and spatial pattern on ecotonal dynamics at upper treeline in the Southern Rocky Mountains, USA. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 42(1): 45–56.
Kipfmueller, K.F. and Salzer, M.W. 2010. Linear trend and climate response of five-needle pines in the western United States related to treeline proximity. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 40(1): 131–142.
Larson, E.R., Kipfmueller, K.F., Hale, C.M., Frelich, L.E., and Reich, P.B. 2010. Tree Rings Detect Earthworm Invasions and their Effects in Northern Hardwood Forests. Biological Invasion, 12(5):1053–1056.
Salzer, M.W., Hughes, M.K., Bunn, A.G., and Kipfmueller, K.F. 2009. Recent unprecedented tree-ring growth in bristlecone pine at the highest elevations and possible causes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106:20348-20353.
Kipfmueller, K.F. 2008. Reconstructed temperature in a northern Rocky Mountains Wilderness. Quaternary Research, 70: 173–187.
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